Page 14 - Acupuncture Times July 2020
P. 14

14      News                                                                                            July 1, 2020  Vol. 16  Hani Times

          Huang qi, Echinacea, and Elderberry can be a

              help for Releasing Symptoms of COVID-19

                                                                                                                          By Namwook Cho L.Ac.

         (→ Continued from page 1)
                                                               infects poultry (Jin, Int J Biol  species of echinacea may inhibit  elderberry shortens the duration
                                                               Macromol 2014; Zhang, Microb  coronaviruses.          of the flu, but more studies are
                                                               Pathog 2018). In China, astragalus,                   needed to corroborate this. There
                                                               alone, and in combination with  The ConsumerLab introduced a  is no evidence that elderberry
                                                               other herbs, has been suggested  study, "laboratory study found  extract can prevent COVID-19
                                                               to potentially help prevent  that a particular branded form  or reduce symptoms in people
                                                              COVID-19 infections (Yang, Int  of echinacea inhibited specific  who have been infected.
                                                              J Biol Sci 2020).           coronaviruses, including (HCoV)  There is a concern for the
                                                               Researchers have advised that a  229E, MERS- and SARS-CoVs,  herb that can trigger a
                                                               daily dose of 4 to 7 grams of root  and the researchers suggested it  cytokine storm, which is an
        △  Acupuncture  needles  and  herbs  are  good  friends  of   powder may be the best dosage  could potentially have a similar  overreaction of the human
        acupuncturists as always. imageⓒAdobeStock_banprik
                                                               for increasing macrophage activity.  effect on SARS-CoV-2, the  immune system by producing
        Huang qi is an herb that has  astragalosides and other  Although the herb has been  coronavirus that causes COVID-19,  a high level of cytokines and
        traditionally been used in  compounds in astragalus increase   proven partial effectiveness for  although it was not tested".  immune cells among some
        Asian medicine to enhance Qi  the production of white blood  enhancing the immune system,                    of the COVID-19 patients.
        movements and to strengthen  cells, particularly T cells and  there are things you should be  Elderberry extract has been  (Mehta, Lancet 2020).
        the body's immune system.  macrophages, and other cells  careful with taking it.  shown in laboratory studies
        Notably, the herb took essential  important for immune system  Due to its immune-stimulating  to inhibit the replication and  According to the site, "There is
        roles in the herbal formulas  function (Block, Integr Cancer  effects, people with autoimmune   hemagglutination of human flu  another study found an elderberry
        for cold symptoms. It could be  Ther 2003)."           disease and those taking  viruses, including certain strains  tincture decreased levels of
        purchased in powder, extract or  It has also been shown to have  immunosuppressant drugs (such  of Influenza A and B, and H1N1.  inflammatory cytokines." There
        tea, or formula in the US.  anti-inflammatory and anti- as after organ transplantation)  Small, preliminary trials in  do not appear to be studies on
        According to the ConsumerLab.  viral effects, including activity  should not take astragalus.  people with the flu suggest  the effects of elderberry extract
        com, "Laboratory and animal  against a particular type of the  Studies in laboratories (but not in  that taken within the first day  on cytokine levels in people with
        studies suggest polysaccharides,  Corona virus that commonly  people) have shown that certain  or so of experiencing symptoms,  severe respiratory infections.

                    Acupuncture and Philosophy

            Whitehead’s Actual Entity/Actual Occasion interpreted by

                             the reciprocity logic of Yinyang (陰陽待對).

                                                                                                  By Simon Kim, Professor, South Baylo University

                                                               relationship of Yin qi and Yang  Philosophy, edited by Ernan  remainder either into its physical
                                                               qi looks like two poles of one  McMullin, 1963) According to  prehensions of other AE. (PR,
                                                               world. I already introduced the  his analysis of Whiteheadian  134). Nor can these two poles
                                                               concept of reciprocity in the  realism, distinctions of Actual  be disjoined in order to be
                                                               section of the Yinyang theory.  Entity and Actual Occasion - a  interpreted as two independent
                                                               Reciprocity (待對) means that  basic concept of the philosophy  AEs in their own right. Likewise
                                                               one thing is given or done  of organism - are attempts to  the relationship of Yin and
                                                               or owed to each other. The  locate ultimate and irreducible  Yang, an actual entity can
                                                               Taiji diagram expresses the  categoreal distinctions. Rorty  retain its integrity only by being
                                                               reciprocity logic exactly. The  argued for the correlative  interpreted in terms of both
                                                               Yinyang reciprocity is a way of  relation of AE and AO that  levels of entities.
                                                               thinking that carries time and  something can only sustain  The philosophy of organism
                                                               mobility in the process of qi  external relations if it also  shows apparently a reciprocal
                                                               realization. When I defined the  sustains internal relations, or the  and correlative logic which can
          △ Yinyang reciprocity diagram. imageⓒAdobeStock_Graphic
          Resources                                            concept of Yin and Yang, I called  converse, or both.   be applied to both Yinqi /Yangqi
                                                               the organic synthesis of Yin qi  Some prominent philosophers  and AE/AO. According to
          Last month, I contended that  concept of the qi philosophy, we  and Yang qi as the reciprocity of  who can interpret Whitehead’s  Rorty’s interpretation, each level
          there is a certain commonality  cannot capture any phenomena  qi organism.     metaphysical theory of organism  of AE/AO must be essentially
          between the cosmology of the  in the whole universe. From  As Richard Rorty (1931-  tend to define AE as Yin qi  incomplete, and completable
          philosophy of organism and  the matter, virus and to the  1998) spotlighted the anti-  and AO as Yang qi. “While the  only by interpretation in terms
          the Qi philosophy: the union of  human body, there is nothing  reductionistic features of  Yinqi from inside serves to hold  of the other level. As such, two
          Heaven and Human (天人合一).  that cannot be seen through the  Whitehead’s cosmology,  the active Yangqi, the Yangqi  philosophies, the Qi philosophy
          Comparing with macroscopic  Yinyang structure. As you know,  he unwittingly verified  which exists outside vitalizes  and the philosophy of organism,
          cosmology, the Yinyang theory  the concept of Yinyang is the  the reciprocity logic of the  the inner Yinqi. (陰在內 陽之  inevitably used the reciprocity
          is a sort of microscopic theme  most pervasive idea in the East  philosophy of organism.  守也 陽在外 陰之使也: 內經 素  logic of yin and yang because of
          in the interpretation of nature.  Asian medicine.    (‘Matter and Event’ from The  問)” Whitehead holds that an  the common view that all beings
          However, without this basic  In the organismic Qi world, the  Concept of Matter in Modern  AE cannot be analyzed without  in nature are interconnected.
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