Page 5 - Acupuncture Times March 2020
P. 5

        March 1, 2020  Vol. 12  Hani Times                                                                          Acupuncture

                           Constitutional Acupuncture

              Eight Constitutions Acupuncture Amended to Unite

                                     with Sasang Four Constitutions

                                                                Eight Types  Sasang    Excess    Excess      Middle      Deficient  Deficient

                                                                Wood Yang  Taeeumin    Wood       Water       Fire        Earth      Metall
                                                                 Metal Yang  Taeeumin  Metal      Earth       Fire        Water      Wood
                                                                 Wood Yin  Taeeumin    Wood        Fire   EXCESSIVE Earth  Water     Metal

                                                                 Metal Yin  Soeumin    Metal      Water   DEFICIENT Earth  Fire      Wood
                                                                Water Yang  Soeumin    Water      Metal   DEFICIENT Wood   Fire      Earth

                                                                 Earth Yang  Taeeumin  Earth       Fire   EXCESSIVE Wood  Metal      Water
                                                                 Water Yin  Soeumin    Water      Wood        Fire        Metal      Earth
                                                                 Earth Yin  Soyangin   Earth      Metal       Fire        Wood       Water

                                                              LR8 Water or LR1 Metal, LR2   Tonifying an element for the  diagnosis for other medicines.
                                   but actually has either an  Water, LR3 Wood, LR5 Fire, LR8   deficient organ and sedating an  From antiquity, scholars have
        By David Lee, L.Ac.        excessive or deficient state.  Earth. This additional variable   element for the excessive organ  observed the same basic pattern
                                   Using SaAm four-needle  in  five-element  sequence     through the usage of meridians  in people. They grouped them
                                   technique and its variation by  provides a robust data, validating   had consistent outcome for  by their similar characteristics
        Diagnosis for Korean Eight-  ECA, the practitioner can verify  a hypothesis that the organs   the constitutions. Furthermore,  and identical response to
        constitutional acupuncture  the excessive and deficient states  of Sasang and elements of   the psychological profile of the  applications. Because of the
        (ECA) is actually the same for  of these elements.    Transporting Shu are same, just   Sasang, along with their reaction  variations in language, culture,
        Korean Sasang herbal medicine.  The second modification is that  difference in name.      to food ingredients and herbs  climate, and foods, and herbs,
        Contrary to common perspective,  both the five-element orders  The third modification is that   had pointed toward the same  there was an independent
        these two systems have identical  Metal (Well) – Water (Spring) –  the Yang and Yin points can   constitution. With this success, I  development in each region. But
        diagnosis. Finally, with one  Wood (Stream) – Fire (River) -  be used for each of the eight   discovered something even more  the constitutional foundation is
        diagnosis, a practitioner can  Earth (Sea) and Wood (Well)  –  constitutions. There is no need   special: Korean constitutional  common.
        integrate acupuncture, diet,  Fire (Spring) – Earth (Stream)  to relegate Yang points to one   medicine has a direct correlation  Modification of ECA not only
        and herbs. It only takes a little  – Metal (River) – Water (Sea)  constitution and Yin points to   with other world schools of  improves of its system but
        modification of the ECA to  can occur in both the Yang and  another. It is because result   constitutionology. They are  also indicates the inherent
        unify it together with Sasang.  Yin meridians. For example,  is alike. This means the five-  Indian Ayurveda, Greco-  relationship to Sasang and
        The following provides the  depending on the individual, a  element nature of both Yang   Roman Unani, Myers-Briggs  other medicines. Therefore, as
        rationale to help understand one  Large Intestine meridian can be  and Yin points can be directly   Type Indicator, McClelland’s  acupuncturists, refining eight
        constitutional medicine from the  LI1 Metal, LI2 Water, LI3 Wood,  adapted as the five-elements of   Theory of Need, and personality  constitutions makes a successful
        perspective of the other. Only  LI5 Fire, LI11 Earth or LI1 Wood,  Sasang organs.     traits of Myers-Briggs, Big  integration with other
        three modifications need to be  LI2 Fire, LI3 Earth, LI5 Metal,  Over a 10-year period, I have   Five, Social Styles, and DiSC.  constitutional perspectives. It is
        made in ECA to make sense of it.   LI11 Water. Alternatively, a Liver  solely used SaAm and ECA styles   This means that a diagnosis  the sharing of same diagnosis
        First modification is that the   meridian can be LR1 Wood,  of four-needle technique for the   of one medicine automatically  that makes possible for the
        middle 3rd organ is not neutral  LR2 Fire, LR3 Earth, LR5 Metal,  Korean Sasang four constitutions.   allows to have the correct  grand unification.

              Obesity Treatment only Worked for Less Than 25 in BMI

                                                                                                                       By Namwook Cho, L.Ac.

                                                               In order to measure effects  acupuncture points.     on acupuncture points and
                                                               of acupuncture on obesity,                           that lead to reduce stimulation
                                                               the team divided two groups:  Kim explained that “it does not  of the brain which controls
                                                               low-BMI and high BMI  mean that acupuncture treatment  autonomic nerve system and
                                                               groups. The team applied  did not worked. Because even  peripheral nerve system.
                                                               acupuncture treatment and  Sham acupuncture was working
                                                               Sham acupuncture treatment  somehow. It shows that even  The team also recommended that
                                                               for low- and high-BMI groups.  an acupuncture needle which  in order to get maximum obesity
                                                               The treatment effect of groups  is not on actual acupuncture  treatment effect, acupuncture
                                                               of low- and high-BMI groups  point, it helps and enhances  treatment should be started
                                                               and groups were treated by  circulation on certain degrees  from early stage of obesity. And
                                                               real acupuncture needle and  but not as much as effective  lifestyle modification, auricular
          △ Acupuncture has been shown to be effective in the early   Sham acupuncture was not  as needles on real acupuncture  acupuncture, phamacopuncture
          stage of obesity. imageⓒshutterstock_Leonardo da
                                                               distinctively different. The  points.”               which is injection of distilled
          (→ Continued from page 1)  treatment was effective  group was treated by real                             herbal medicine on acupuncture
          Also, the research paper  only in subjects with  acupuncture needle which  The team concluded that reason  points through a syringe, and
          found limitation of  overweight (less than 25  were on actual acupuncture  is for not working acupuncture   suture thread embedding
          acupuncture treatment.  in body mass index, BMI),  points and the other group was  treatment of high-BIM group  acupuncture techniques along
          According to the research  not in subjects with obesity  treated with Sham acupuncture  was thickness the skin of the  with conventional acupuncture
          paper, acupuncture  with more than 30 in BMI.        needle which are not on actual  objects reduces stimulation  treatment.
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