Page 2 - Acupuncture Times March 2020
P. 2
2 2 광고 March 1, 2020 Vol. 12 Hani Times
Traditional Korean Medicine
『Dongui Bogam-Internal Bodily Elements(동의보감-내경편』Ⅰ. Body(신형 身形)
14. Living According to the Four Seasons 四氣調神 사기조신
summer will have their hearts cold places, and protect the
injured. In autumn, malaria skin as not to let qi leak from
would be induced which will the body. These are responses
lessen the energy for harvest to the vitality of winter and
and eventually cause grave ways of the method for the
disease in winter. protection of one's nurturing
The three months of autumn are and storing. Not following
called the period of tranquillity them would harm the lungs.
of one's conduct. It is when The four seasons and yin-yang
heaven qi cools and earth qi are the roots of all things.
clears. One must sleep early That is why a wise person
and wake up early at the sound raises yang during spring and
of the rooster crowing, and summer and raises yin during
calm one's mind to subdue the fall and winter as to follow the
rigid qi of autumn and collect core of this advice. Like this,
spirit qi. Adjust autumn qi, do life draws the curve of ups
not let one's mind bother with and downs according to the
the outside, and clear lung qi. birth, growth, maturation, and
△『Dongui Bogam-Internal Bodily Elements』. imageⓒ These are responses to the death of yin-yang. Violating
vitality of autumn and ways such origin would be the
and relax the body to lead luxurious growth. It is when of the method for protection same as cutting off the roots
Written By Jun Heo(許浚,
the heart to an active state. heaven and earth intermingle of one's harvest. Not following of a tree, which leads to the
1539~1615), Translated by
Anything must be saved, not and all things bloom and begin these would harm the lungs disappearance of the truth.
Namil Kim, Wung Seok Cha
killed; everything must be to bear fruit. One must sleep and cause indigestion and Therefore, yin-yang and the
et al., Published by Ministry
given, not taken; one must late and wake up early, must diarrhea in winter, which will four seasons are beginnings
of Health & Welfare (Korea)
reward, not punish. These not avoid sunlight, must not lessen the energy of storing. and endings of all things in
are responses to the vitality get angry, and must enable The three months of winter the universe and the origin of
The three months of spring of spring and the ways of oneself to develop. Let one's are called the period of closing life and death. Violating the
are called the period of the nurturing life. Not following own qi communicate with the and storing. It is when water core teachings would cause
beginning. It is when the them would harm the liver outside world, and act as though freezes, earth cracks, and yang calamity, and following the
universe is born and all and induce cold diseases in one loves everything outside. becomes still. One must sleep core teachings would ensure
things develop and flourish. summer, which will lessen These are responses to the early and wake up after the a healthy life. This is what the
One must sleep late and wake the energy of growing. vitality of summer and ways sun rises and act as if hiding wise ancestors called knowing
up early, stroll the garden The three months of summer of growing and cultivating life. something in the mind. Head the Tao. ."
slowly, loosen one's hair, are called the period of Those who disobey the laws of more towards warm places than (→ Continued in next issue)
홍대선 원장의 동부 메릴랜드 유일
동부 메릴랜드 유일
『한의사가 꼭 알아야 할 ‘서양약초’』 ‘자연 제환소’
‘자연 제환소’
절찬리 판매!!!
“안녕하십니까? 처음 인사 드립니다. 미 동부에도 드디어 깨끗한 약을 엄선해
정성껏 제환하는 자연 제환소가 오픈했습니다. 깐깐한 제환 과정으로 정확하게
각종 한의 본초 외에 서양약초 역시 환자에게 적절히 처방하면 그 치료효과를 극대화 시킬 수 있다. 약을 준비해 드리고 신속하게 배송해 드립니다. 자연제환소의 모든 수익은
미국립보건원 산하의 ‘국립 보완 통합의학 건강센터(NCCIH)’가 대체의학(약초복용 침 등)을 아이티 선교자금으로 사용됩니다. 많은 한의사님들의 이용을 부탁 드립니다.”
현대의학에 많이 적용하고 있음에도 환자는 물론 한의사들 역시 대한 정보가 매우 부족하다.
이 책은 필자가 환자들에게 사용한 약초들과 경험을 통하여 얻은 지식을 위주로 서양 본초학자들의 ◆환약 주문 생산 ◆ 탕제 서비스
경험도 기재했다. 각 약초들은 필자 자신이 씨앗에서부터 때로는 모종으로부터 시작해
약재로 쓰여질 때까지의 모든 과정을 경험하며 약재의 특징을 보고 치료에 응용한 것이다.
이 책을 통해 기존의 침, 한약 등의 치료에 힘을
보탤 수 있는 임상에서 꼭 필요한
서양약초에 대해 알고
환자 치료에도 큰 도움을 받을 수 있다.
책 값: $35 •처방만 주시면
파운드 당 $12 + 약재비(운송비 별도)
우편 발송료 $7.50 별도 •약재를 보내 주시면 •처방만 주시면
파운드 당 $12(운송비 별도) 1재당 $25 + 약재비(운송비 별도)
*최소 3파운드 이상 주문하셔야 함. •약재를 보내 주시면
•환약은 녹두대, 오자대, 청심환대 1재당 $25(운송비 별도)
크기로 제작 가능 *최소 1재 이상 주문하셔야 함.
약재비: 도매가 + 약재 손실금액 (도매가의 10%)
*책 구매 문의: 한의타임즈 T. 443-824-0733 F. 410-418-4020
자연제환소 e-메일: [email protected]
T. 323-804-5703 e-메일. [email protected] 3240 Corporate Ct Suite #D, Ellicott City MD 21042