Page 8 - Acupuncture Times March 2020
P. 8
8 Acupuncture March 1, 2020 Vol. 12 Hani Times
Best Treatment for Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
in tingling and shooting pain the arm itself. Mostly, we can see worse posture is sleeping on the
on both arms and hands. The the reason from a pinched nerve stomach position.
symptom would be better when in the neck. The reason for the
the patient raises up the arm, pinched nerve should be one of As an acupuncturist, we can
because the compression is the two cases as I explained above. fix this problem in one single
reduced when the first rib moves According to my experience, session if the reason is the
up and this movement makes a these two reasons above could thoracic outlet syndrome, not
room and releases pressure of be combined as well. from disk related problem. Find
the compressed nerve. the scalene muscle carefully just
Patient education for the two main behind the sternmastoidclevicle
The second common diagnosis reasons is the same. Correction muscle. When you rub the scalene
is disc herniation at a cervical of posture and constant daily muscle slowly and you can find
spine. Because of ongoing mental stretching are required to fix the the knots or tightness in the
stress, straight neck, reverse root cause reason. First, the patient muscle. Hold the knot with the
curve of neck or hunched back, needs to fix the bad posture such other hand and put the needle
the weight bearing of cervical as turtleneck posture, recently in the center of knots carefully
spine got stressed. So, disc shaped also known as text neck. They and you can feel a twitching
△ Turtleneck is one of the common reason to cause
thoracic outlet syndrome. imageⓒ shutterstock_Sabelskaya cartilage in between vertebrae should put the chin backward when you hit the sweet spot.
is compressed and slide back and broaden the chest. Never If you understand the anatomy
but the patient said it felt like or spread to either side due look down anything for a long well and have found the reason
By Winston Lee
shooting electricity to his arm. to weight. In other words, the time. Nowadays, many people and have done the treatment
L. Ac., Ph.D., KMD
nerve to arms and hands can be are using smartphones all day successfully, you can see the
This symptom would be diagnosed pinched by disc herniation and and tend to look down watching improvement on the spot or in
One day, I saw a patient who had in two different aspects. The most the patient might feel the tingling the screen to read something or 1~2 days. Also, I expect the full
very serious tingling sensation on common diagnosis is ‘thoracic and uncomfortable sensation on to text to somebody or to enjoy recovery would be taken 1 to
both of his arms. The sensation outlet syndrome’. There is a bunch both arms. mobile games. For sleeping, the 2 weeks when the patient got
was not just limited on his hands, of muscle near the cervical spine. ideal posture is laying down on acupuncture treatment 2~3 times
but on both of his arms. This pain The name is ‘scalene muscle’ In fact, if a patient has a tingling the back, the less ideal posture a week on a regular basis.
started from the upper blade area which is running from third on arms, we don’t need to blame is on the either shoulder and the
and ran through both scapular to sixth cervical vertebrae just
and went down the rear side next to trachea and vocal cord
of both arms. The feeling was and inserts onto the front area is available
very uncomfortable, shooting of first rib. This scalene and
and painful. The symptom was other nearby muscles could be
releasing when the patient raised shortened and tightened due You can get more information regarding your practice and news at
up his arms in the air and it’s to overusing for a long time.
aggravated as lowering his arms Meanwhile, some nerves from
down, for a long time. It’s also the cervical spine are supposed • More practical information of various acupuncture skills and its principles.
worse when he sit at a desk using to penetrate these muscles and • More practical information of herbal formula and case studies.
a computer all day long or drove domain both arms and hands. As • Study material for current acupuncture related studies, articles, and research paper.
5~6 hours from Los Angeles to you expect, these troublemaker • More practical information regarding medical billing and management.
Las Vegas. Expressions of the muscles are compressing the • On-line communities for current issues.
patients are somewhat different, nerves and consequently results
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