Page 9 - Acupuncture Times Vol. 11 February 2020
P. 9

        February 1, 2020  Vol. 11  Hani Times                                                                       Acupuncture

                                      How to Treat Spondylolysis

                                                                                         can expect that the patient with  abs. In fact, many professional
                                                               By Winston Lee
                                                                                         no pain would not have taken  athletics in gymnastics, football
                                                               L. Ac., Ph.D., KMD
                                                                                         X-ray or CT scan to figure out  players have this condition due to
                                                                                         this disease. They can live well  extreme impacts and exercises.
                                                              Spondylolysis is a defect or stress  without noticing this underlying  But most of them don’t have
                                                              fracture in the pars interarticularis  disease.        the pain or symptom because
                                                              of the vertebral arch. The vast  If the patient feels some pain, the  their back muscle and abs are
                                                              majority of cases occur in the  reason should be ‘spondylolisthesis’.  strong enough to support the
                                                              lower lumbar vertebrae (L5).  Spondylolisthesis is the  spine despite of its instability.
                                                              Some of cases are congenital but  displacement of one spinal  It’s very unusual to undergo surgery
                                                              it can happen due to extreme  vertebra compared to another.  because of the spondylolysis
                                                              exercise or sudden impact on  This condition can be aggravated  only. Because the symptom of
                                                              body. According to the statistics,  by instability of spondylolysis.  this condition is not that severe
                                                              this condition is present in up to  When the vertebra bone has  to take the huge risk of open
                                                              6% of the population. In other  been moved to forward, the bone  surgery. Most of cases are to take
                                                              words, it’s very common disease.  is inevitably compressing the  non-operative and conservative
                                                              However, not all the patient  spinal cord in the spinal canal.  treatment with acupuncture,
                                                              of this condition recognize  This situation is called ‘pinched  physical therapy for treating pain,
                                                              this disease. The vast majority  nerve’ and this one cause lower  tingling and radiating feeling. We,
                                                              never feel any problem or pain  back pain, radiating pain to both  Oriental Medicine Doctor and
                                                              in their life. Because the area  legs and tingling in legs.  acupuncturist are able to utilize
                                                              which spondylolysis take place  Spondylolysis and spondylolisthesis  prescribing herbal medicine to
                                                              is very deep inside in our body  can be diagnosed with simple  decrease inflammation and soothe
                                                              and iliopsoas muscle, erector  X-ray examination. If the patient  nerve damage. Spontaneously,
                                                              muscle and other strong muscle  is diagnosed as this condition, they  steady exercise is required to
                                                              are supporting our spine very  need to be careful of maintaining  support the vertebra bone and
                                                              well. Therefore, as long as this  the spine in daily life. Because  it can spread out the weight
                                                              bundle of muscles are existing  they congenitally have this  bearing of the spine. If this entire
         △ Most of cases of Spondylosis are to take non-operative  and are strong enough to uphold  instability than other people and  mission is completed by patient
         and  conservative  treatment  with  acupuncture  in  order  to   the spine, the patient would not  the spine must be strengthen by  and doctor, spondylolysis is not
         treat  pain,  tingling  and  radiating  feeling.  photoⓒ  envato-
         Wavebreakmedia                                       suffer actual pain. In this case, we  building up muscle of back and  a serious disease to be scared.

               What is Different from Traditional Chinese, Korean,

                                             and Japanese Medicine?

                           A Brief Comparison of Historical Backgrounds and Policies

                                                                                                                         By Namwook Cho, L.Ac.

        (→ Continued from Page 1)
        Each country has developed  background.                partially covered and in 2001,  facilities was the highest in  medical procedures: China
        its unique systems: Traditional                       traditional medicine was included  Korea, at 15.26%, followed by  since 1951; Korea since 1987;
        Chinese Medicine(TCM),  Development of Traditional  in medical education.         China, at 12.63%. For Japan, the   and Japan only for Kampo since
        Traditional Korean Medicine(TKM),  Medicine Systems                               percentage of Kampo doctors  1976. China and Korea had the
        and Oriental Medicine for Japan.  TCM was banned in 1929 and in   National Policies  who are medical doctors and  most reimbursable treatments:
        Differences among TCM, TKM,  1954, TCM was accepted again  All major therapeutic methods  members of nongovernmental  acupuncture, moxibustion,
        and Oriental Medicine were   and started TCM education   of traditional medicine were  academic society, the Japan  cupping and manual therapies
        resulted from each countries’  in schools. In 1982, Chinese   included in the national health  Society for Oriental Medicine,  are completely covered, and
        histories, cultural differences,  government established a   care system in China, Korea, and  was estimated to be 0.65% in  herbal medicines are partially
        different acceptance of Western   constitution for the development  whereas Japan included only  2008.       covered. Coverage of manual
        culture, and influences of the   of TCM and in 1999, Chinese   most Kampo which galenicals  The ratio of medical facilities  therapies was different in each
        WW II.                     National Health Insurance   or herbal mixture and some of  practicing conventional medicine   country. Data on the proportion
        TCM accounts for around 40% of  stared cover TCM.      acupuncture.               to facilities practicing traditional  of reimbursement for traditional
        all health care delivered, and it  In Korea, TKM was suppressed  Traditional medicine doctors,  medicine was about 25:1 for  medicine treatments were
        is used to treat about 200 million   by Colonial Japanese Government  whose activities are defined  China for Korea 2.50:1. For  not available for China and
        patients annually in China. In   in 1910 and 41 years later,  by law and regulated by the  Japan, hospitals and clinics  Japan whereas Korea showed
        Korea, 69% of population has   Korean government admitted   government of each country,  are regarded as conventional  a reimbursement rate of 4.04%.
        experienced TKM and 60~70%  TKM. Formal TKM education   have three different specialties  facilities eve if traditional  The article used a research
        of allopathic doctors in Japan  was started as a 6-year course   in China: TCM, integrative  medicine is practiced, so the  article “Traditional Medicine in
        prescribe herbal medicine.  and in 1987, TKM covered by  medicine, and other ethnic  ratio for traditional Japanese  China, Korea, and Japan: A Brief
        Traditional Medicine of all three   national health insurance.  medicine doctors. In Korea,  medicine was recorded as zero.  Introduction and Comparison”
        countries was included in the  In Japan, there was the abolition   there is only one kind of                 which was published Evidence-
        national health care systems and   of the traditional medicine   traditional medicine doctors.  Medical Insurance Coverage  Based Complementary and
        developed in national policies   system in 1881 and in 1976,  The percentage of traditional  All three countries have a policy  Alternative Medicine Volume
        based on historical and cultural  traditional medicine was   medicine doctors in medical  to cover insured traditional  2012, Article ID 429103.
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