Page 14 - Acupuncture Times Vol. 11 February 2020
P. 14

14       광고                                                                                        February 1, 2020  Vol. 11  Hani Times

         Asian Medicine Develops Internal Vitality Through Observation of Whole Human

         Western World Established Mind-Body Medicine through New Scientific Approaches

                                                              emotions rather than a  continues symptoms like  medicine have been
                                                              specific organic cause in  indigestion and bloating  increased in quantity and
                                                              the body such as an injury  will appear. Anger will  quality. The medicine is not
                                                              or infection.               affect stomach and make  separating mind and body
                                                              Based on psychosomatic  congestion of stomach. The  and has emphasis social
                                                              point of view, onset of  changes easily lead ulcer  and psychological aspects
                                                              certain symptoms or diseases  by increased amount of  that influence body.
                                                              is due to stress. Also, chronic  acid secretion.       I am pleased by changing
                                                              stress can cause heart and  Psychosomatic medicine  ideas among western
                                                              stomach related diseases  is a kind of new science  medical field to understand
                                                              and asthma. Sorrow and  and medical field exploring  mind and body. It is
                                                              frustration will change  the relationships among  more like Asian medical
                                                              stomach mucosa condition  social, psychological and  understandings - which
                                                              and reduce amount of acid  behavioral factors on bodily  understand a human body
                                                              secretion. The change will  processes and quality  represent the universe
                                                              lead hypokinesia of the  of life. Recently studies  and nature, of mind and
                                                              stomach. Under hypokinesia  regarding psychosomatic  body.
         △ Asian medicine has diagnosed patients with an idea that
         mind and body are interactive and are not separated. image
         ⓒ shutterstock_maoyunping

                                   rupturing and preventing      The Physiology of Eastern Organic Medicine:
                                   blood flow to the brain.         an Interpretation of 9 Words of Bonshin,
                                   In Asian medicine, stroke
                                   is caused by the wind              the 8th Chapter of Youngchu, Hwangje
                                   started from the liver.               Naegyong (黃帝 內經 靈樞: 本神 第八)
                                   Also, the liver which, in
                                   Asian medicine, is not
                                   just anatomical organ. It                               model of sciences. But   physiology of human body,
        By David Park, Founder of   contains anatomical aspect    By Simon Kim, Professor,   nature is not made of  the limitation of materialism
        South Baylo University     and its functional aspects.    South Baylo University   matter alone, and life is not   can be solved only by adding
                                   Any symptoms on eyes,                                   explained solely by causal   the concepts of life qi (
                                                                                           logic. In order for science   生氣),  or  Jing  qi  (精氣)  to
        I have explained similarities  blood deficiency, and nail
                                                                 Now we can talk about     to give a proper explanation   physical interpretation of
        of Asian medicine and new  dryness are considered
                                                                 the theory of authentic   to life phenomena and to   nature. There is the point of
        science.                   a sign of malfunction of                                be applied to real natural   singularity between matter
                                                                 Eastern Organic Medicine
        Conventional science  the liver.                         in the Hwangti Neijing.   phenomena, the basic     and life which can hardly
        explains mind and body are  An acupuncturist treats a    Things in “Jingqi” in     premise and method  explain in the theory of
        independent entities and  root of various symptoms       I-Ching is life-laden     logic of science must be   materialism. There is also
        mind cannot be measured  because healing of the          entities. It is not material   changed.            some ontological segmentation
        or understood by science.  liver will affect and resolve   substances interpreted   So far, the basic theorization   that is difficult to explain
                                                                 by the philosophers in    of Eastern medicine has been   through body and mind as
        New science also agrees  symptoms on eyes, blood
                                                                 China. Even Xie Zhufan,   dealt with in philosophical   a unified theory.
        with conventional science’s  deficiency, and nail dryness                          clarification in previous   This is the reason why
                                                                 a director of Institute for
        point of view of differences  all altogether.            the Integration of Chinese   chapter. I will try now   w e  n e e d  t o  h a v e  a
        of mind and body. But new  Respiratory symptom could     and Western Medicine, said   to apply this fruit of the   new version of natural
        science considers mind and  be controlled by treating    that the theory of qi is a   philosophical argument   philosophy according to
        body are sharing same root  lung meridian and shoulder   kind of materialism which   to the Hwangti Neijing.   the Eastern Medicine. New
                                                                 explains mental activities in   Nine words of Bonshin   physiology based on the
        and mind can be analyzed  pain would be reduce by
                                                                 terms of objective matter.   show the body-mind  concept of Jingqi must
        by scientific tools.       treating small intestine                                view and the physiology   be prevailed in the arena
                                                                 This kind of qi conception
        I personally agree with idea  meridian. This explains    is contradictory to the   of Eastern medicine. The   of medicine in the 21st
        of new science regarding  that Asian medicine is not     theory of Jingqi in the   careful attention to the   century. Newly emerging
        understandings of mind and  just focused on symptoms     Eastern Medicine.         hypothetical contents of   Integrative Medicine
                                                                                           the Eastern medicine coupled   would be characterized
        body. For example, there  that a patient complains
                                                                 <figure1: etymology       with the perspectives of   as a bio-socio-psycho-
        is distinctive difference of  but focused symptom by
                                                                 of qi>                    modern philosophy enable   environmental model. New
        understanding a symptom  on root-cause analysis in
                                                                 Primordial qi 元氣➞ qi in   to form a persuasive and   Integrative Medicine can
        such as stroke. In western  order to find reason that                              adaptive Eastern medicine   combine the Eastern and
                                                                 general 氣➞ refined qi 精
        medical science thinks stoke  underlies current symptom.  氣➞ things in nature萬物:   formula.                 Western medicine, integrate
        caused by malfunction of  Recently, western science      matter, life, spirit                               mind and body, and harmonize
        brain vessel and classified  started to accept concept                             <figure2: Physiological  human life and natural
        by an ischemic stroke and  of psychosomatic which        Most scientists agreed that   Qi>                  environment. Ultimately,
                                                                 the concept of the matter   Qi 氣 ➞ Life生 ➞ Essence 精   it will be the Medicine of
        a hemorrhagic stroke.  means mind (psyche) and
                                                                 mechanism, the unilinear   ➞ Shen 神 ➞ Hun 魂 ➞Po    Heaven and Earth that aims
        Ischemic stroke caused  body (soma). The term                                      魄 ➞ Intent 意 ➞ Will 志    for environmental ecology
                                                                 causal logic, and the
        by a clot obstructing the  psychosomatic refers to       materialist worldview, on   ➞Heart 心               working both inside human
        flow of blood to the brain  real physical symptoms       which the whole physics is                         body and outside nature
        and hemorrhagic stroke  that arise from the mind         based, became the standard   When  it  comes  to  the  concurrently.
        caused by a blood vessel  and are influenced by
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