Page 10 - Acupuncture Times Vol. 11 February 2020
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10       Herbal Medicine                                                                           February 1, 2020  Vol. 11  Hani Times

            The Dynamics of Shang Han Lun ⑩ Particulars-Part 1
        Sign Symptoms and Herbs (1) Sign Symptom and Abdominal Diagnosis

                                   effusion, mild night sweating and
        By Jubong Kang, K.M.D.     yet aversion to cold, because the                                                        severely
                                                                                                                           back pain
                                   exterior has not yet resolved. But
                                   the physician uses precipitation
        The following sign symptoms of  and the movement and rapidity
        some herbs were excerpted from  of the pulse changes to slowness.
        the book 『Medicine Signature(  In the diaphragm there is pain
        藥徵; Korean Version, Chung  that refuses pressure. With empty
        Hong Publisher in 2007)』 by  vacuity in the stomach, visiting
                                                                                                                        severely hard
        Yoshimasu, Todo and the author’s  qi stirs the diaphragm and there   vexation and
        ideas have been added through  is shortness of breath, vexation   distress                                      glomus below
                                                                                                                           the heart
        commentary and contents of  and agitation and anguish in the
        some herb’s sign symptoms may  heart. The yang qi falls inward
        differ from Yoshimasu, Todo’s,  and causes hardness below the
        due to a different view point  heartⓐ, which means chest
        between him and the author.  bind, ‘Da Xian Xiong Decoction’                                                   strong tension
        Most quote provisions are  governs. If no chest bind, only                                                        and pain
        from the English version of  sweat issuing from the head –
        『Shang Han Lun』 published  and without sweating kesewhere  △ Abnormal Diagnosis of Da Xian Xiong Decoction-Dahuang(大黃), Mangxiao(芒硝), Gam-
        by 『Paradigm Publications』  – that stops at the neck and   sui(甘遂).
        and provisions of 『Jin Gui Yao  urination is inhibited, there
        Lue』 were translated by the  will be generalized yellowing(  factor to penetrate deeper into  qi which would have traveled  the hard glomus below the
        author from the original Chinese  『Shang Han Lun』 Line 134,  the body. Thus suppressing  through all channels from the  heart in the sentences above
        text to English.           p.215, Paradigm Publications  the normal qi. The injured  chest, countered the invading  by mentioning three kind
        One or two provisions were  Version). (Wuling Powder  normal qi from the wrong  exterior evil qi with pressing  of working qi of opposite
        selected in every sentence,  governsⓑ(In 『Gui Lin Gu Ben』  prescription became weakened  downward qi of a purgative  directions in this provision.
        but this is not enough to  this letters are written, in Song  and regressed to the inner  formula at the portion around  The first direction is from
        completely understand every  Version not written).    region, where it moved to  the diaphragm.              exterior evil qi which moves
        aspect of sign symptoms,                              below the heart to be formed.  Normally both inner yang qi’s  downward, the second
        but helps one to underlying  Commentary ① In this  This is the fallen yang qi  normal cycle would travel  direction is from inner yang
        concepts. If any student wants  sentence, the reason for hard  expressed in the sentence of  through the all channels  qi which moves upward and
        to know the whole process of  glomus below the heart to  this paragraph; The exterior  from the chest but this  the third direction is from
        making the sign symptoms,  be palpated is because of  pathogenic qi and inner normal  time, it was encountered  purgative’s qi which sends
        then I highly recommend  fallen yang qi.              qi are in confrontation with  by the exterior evil qi with  exterior evil qi downwards.
        reading the book 『Medicine  In the beginning stage of  each other causing a hard  expelling downward qi from  He described it to us so
        Signature(藥徵)』 written by  on exterior pattern, exterior  glomus below the heart.  purgatives(=precipitation)  that we can understand the
        Yoshmasu, Todo.            pathogenic factors would  Precipitation which has  at the region around the  dynamics in the region of
                                   invade more deeply into the  a property of expelling  diaphragm.                  below the heart.
        1) Hard Glomus below the  body following the greater  downward movement, that  The portion around the  Various treatment cases
        Heart (心下痞硬)               yang channel portion. And  made the stomach to be empty  diaphragm is the region of  of syndromes related to
        -Herbs: Huangqin (黃芩),  inner normal qi constantly  allowed the evil exterior qi to  the esophageal orifice of the  this formula are recorded
        Renshen (人蔘)               pushes out exterior pathogenic  invade the region around the  stomach where normally inner  in『Huang Han Yi Xue (皇
        Ex. Formulas: Banxia Xie  factors to expel it away.  diaphragm from the greater  qi begins to spread out from.  漢醫學)』written by Yumoto
        Xin Decoction (半夏瀉心        Therefore two types of qi  yang channel portion.       But now, inner qi or inner  Kuisin.
        湯), Lizhong Pill/ Rensen  are in a confrontation at the  By three burner theory of  yang qi is opposing where  Related to contents above,
        Decoction (理中丸/ 人蔘湯)       superficial level. Floating pulse  『Nei Jing』, nutritive qi  the two become bound to  the symptoms written in this
                                   confirms the confrontation  and protective qi move into  each other to form a glomus.  provision are similar to the
        Sentence ① In greater yang  is at the superficial level of  the chest from the upper  From the above contents,  syndromes of moist pleurisy,
        disease, when the pulse is  our body.                 portion of the stomach,  we are understand that the  pericarditis or endocarditis.
        floating, stirred and rapid means                     from which the inner yang  state of below the heart has  If then, in modern language,
        heat, stirred means pain, (and  At this time, a purgative  qi is spreading out to move  a connection with other  this would then translate into:
        rapid means vacuity; In 『Jin  formula was given through  around the body(Dahuang  symptoms; therefore, a hard  after receiving a purgative
        Gui Yao Lue((桂林古本)』, this  misdiagnosis and the inner  大黃, Mangxiao 芒硝, Gamsui  glomus below the heart  as a treatment, muscles
        parenthesized letters does not  body became vacuous. This  甘遂).                   spreads infection to other  upholding the heart around the
        appear), there is headache, heat  allowed the exterior pathogenic  Namely both the inner yang  regions of the body, causing  diaphragm became intensely
                                                                                          varied symptoms, since yang  contracted because of severe
                                                                                          qi’s ability or strength care  inflammation and swelling
                                                                                          for other region is blocked.  of the tissues surrounding
                                                                                          For example, if a patient with  the heart.
                                                                                          insomnia, arthritis and atopic  Chest bind (結胸) in above
                                                                                          dermatitis, has a hard glomus  provision is describing
                                                                                          below the heart then this  both a dramatic case and
                                                                                          patient’s different symptoms  symptoms in other cases
                                                                                          can be resolved by treating  common disease. The process
              Wide Type                  Long Type                     Small Type         the sign symptom – hard  of forming into a hard glomus
                                                                                          glomus below the heart.    does not differ from the case
        △ Various features of Hard Glomus Below the Heart. imageⓒJubong Kang.             『Zhong Jing』interprets  of a chest bind.
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