Page 14 - Acupuncture Times December 2019
P. 14
14 광고 December 1, 2019 Vol. 9 Hani Times
Conceptual Approaches of Qi, and Quantum Theory
of photon or wave, instead A French mathematician changed to be abnormalized
of using noun itself. This is and physicist Jean-Baptiste by acupuncture treatment.
another proof that the Korean Joseph Fourier described the Therefore, an acupuncture
culture has understood and Qi as subtle energy. treatment is a process of
accepted new science and According to theory of normalizing wave in a body
quantum theory for such a Einstein, Quantum theory, and that represents the whole
long time. Fourier’s theory, I reached a universe.
There is other Korean conclusion that Qi is a form I would like to recommend
expressions to describe of energy. The energy has for students who are studying
strong-minded or to be mass. The mass is wave. And acupuncture to study Han
taken aback for instances. everything is wave. spirit. Acupuncture treatment
Korean people say one has The wave is also considered is focused on balancing
strong Qi in order to describe as number. In common abnormality which causes
△ It could be understood that acupuncture treatments are one who has strong-minded Korean language the concept symptom in body with
good examples of applying wave energy. Pictureⓒenvato- and one’s Qi suddenly of number is easily found. empathy of a practitioner.
obstructed to describe one Korean word for fortune and Do not confuse balancing
the color spectrum. In other is taken aback. From those suffixes that uses meaning with fixing the problem with
words, an animal and plant expressions, I thought there of number. acupuncture needling or
are able to communicate is high possibility for Korean Acupuncture treatment applies prescribing herbal formula.
by the photon which is a understood the equation concept of wave. Balancing I have been keep talking
type of elementary particle E=MC2 which means mass disturbed Qi movement similar subjects on my past
including electromagnetic and energy is interchangeable. through acupuncture column in order to define
radiation such as light and That expressions are example treatment is also understood good acupuncturist and to
radio waves, and the force of application of Einstein’s as a process to normalize show how you can achieve it.
carrier for the electromagnetic special theory of relativity. the wave that temporarily
By David Park, Founder of
force. The communication
South Baylo University
of living creatures makes
possible to control metabolism
I explained conventional and to adopt environmental VI. Natural Philosophy of Qi Realism and the
science also known as changes. Confirmation of Life-laden Jingqi World View.
Euclidian science and new
science. Also, conceptual There is a phrase from
similarities of Mobius strip Chunbookyung which is 腑, organs) and boncho (本草, world. The idea that the
By Simon Kim, Professor, herbal medicine) doctrines nature we experience is filled
and acupuncture theories the bible of Koreans and
South Baylo University be accepted. with quantitative substances
and Han spirt. saying, “The one generates
In this way, practitioners of of only primary nature is
Euclidian science explains three and the one exists
Eastern medicine can claim the contrary to common sense.
the smallest substance is eternally.” There have been In the first chapter of the philosophical foundation of Let’s think about it. Would
solid stage, but new science many explanations for the series, I argued that in order the Eastern Organic Medicine; acupuncture be effective
understands something that meaning of the phrase. for Asian medicine to be Yin Yang Wuxing is the basic for things that consist only
has energy and its own One said three from the established as a recognized principle of the EOM as well of material substances, such
medicine, the existence of Qi as the essential principle of as cyborgs and robots? If
wavelength is the basic one represented the sky,
must first be approved within cosmic nature and myriad Artificial Intelligence breaks,
and smallest component of the earth, and the human.
the medical community of the things including Life Jingqi we can just leave it to the
element. This month let me Another claimed the three 21st century. Only after the (生命精氣). Compared with technician. However, what if
talk about wave and energy could be understood as three philosophical argument of Qi the Mechanistic Material human gets a disease?
and Qi. And let’s review old basic elements of the sun realism should be fulfilled, worldview (MMW), the Whitehead says that prime
Korean text that describes which are light, heat, and the Jingqi (精氣) theory could Organic Qi worldview (OQW) work of philosophy is to
become the basic worldview is excellent for interpreting figure out what metaphysical
Han spirit and how Han spirit the center. I assumed that it
of Asian medicine. What nature and human, especially presupposition is given.
is connected to acupuncture needs various explanations
should be followed by this the human body, disease and “One genus of facts which
theory. of the phrase because the philosophical work is the healing. constitutes the field of some
Quantum physicists say energy meaning of the phrase is confirmation of life-laden The reason why Whitehead special science requires
is a wave and the wave is too profound. Jingqi world. Only then criticized the modern some common metaphysical
consisted with frequency I personally believe that will the theories of Asian materialistic worldview presupposition respecting
and intensity and a form, meaning of the three could medicine such as Jingluo ( is that life and spirit are the universe.” <Process and
經絡, Meridian), Jangbu (臟 wholly excluded from the Reality: p.11>
and it creates another energy be compared to 3 elements
or substance. According of wave from the Quantum
to the theory, a wave has theory. And it is also MMW (mechanistic material world) OQW (organic qi world)
information and all living considered that acupuncture
Matter (物質) life event 精氣神
creatures such as animals theory has concept of new
Notion of stasis notion of process
and plants have ability to science and quantum theory
interpret information from from the beginning. Quantity image of nature quality image of nature
the wave that generated by In Korean, there are many VS
Primary quality second, third quality (sense and feeling)
other entity. The Quantum common expressions that
theory explains that a living share similar meaning of Mechanics (4 energies in nature) organic interrelations (Yinyang Wuxing)
creature has certain discrete photon. For example, as Causality correlative, correspond 感應
temperature levels or energy Koreans tend to breath,
Reductionism pan-experientialism
from a glowing body will dream, and wind, words with
occupy different areas of suffixes which have meaning