Page 8 - Acupuncture Times September 2019
P. 8

8        Acupuncture                                                                              September 1, 2019  Vol. 6  Hani Times

                 Sasang Acupuncture for Soeumin and Taeeumin

                                                    소음인과 태음인의 사상체질침

                                                               alternate five-element     excessive Earth, and  ways through psychological,
                                                               order, which occurs in 30%   deficient Water in addition  physiological, and physical
                                                               of Soeumins. The alternate   to having big Liver (Wood)  means. Here are some
                                                               five-element order for the   and  small  Lung  (Metal).  examples. Psychologically, a
                                                               Yin Transporting points is   The other reason is that  Soeumin is gentler and less
                                                               same as that of the Yang   the body automatically  aggressive than Taeeumins.
                                                               Transporting points. Lee   adjusts the excessive and  Physiologically, a Soeumin
                                                               DongWoong, a  scholar      deficient states, neither by  is prone to motion sickness
                                                               in  Oriental  medicine,  in   acupuncture manipulation  and sensitive to caffeine
                                                               1999 proposed in his text   of inserting against/along  while  Taeeumins  are  not.
                                                               Physical Constitution by Yin   the meridian flow nor by  Physically, torso shape of
                                                               Yang Theory that 정 Well-   twisting them clockwise or  a Soeumin is an hourglass
                                                               Metal, 형 Spring-Water, 수   counter-clockwise. Only  with  slim  waist, whereas
                                                               Stream-Wood,  경  River-    stimulation by breaking  a  Taeeumin has a  shape
                                                               Fire, and 합Sea-Earth apply   of the skin with a needle  of a diamond with wide
                                                               to Yin points resulting in   is enough for the body  abdomen and flared lower
                                                               상구SP5  (Fire),  영도HT4      to react according to its  ribs.
                                                               (Fire), 대도 SP2 (Water), and   need. Again, manipulation  Our collective aspiration
                                                               연곡KD2 (water).             does force an increase or  to discover the key that
                                                               The above two sets of      decrease response.         unifies acupuncture and
                                                               acupuncture points do not   Then how can a practitioner  herbal medicine under
                                                               work on Soyangin. However,   distinguish a Soeumin  constitutionology is now
                                                               Taeeumins respond well     from Taeeumin if both  realized. It is your turn to
                                                               to these points. How could   have good relief with the  verify its efficacy through
                                                               this be? It also works for   same points? There are  your patients. It will
                                                               Taeeumins because of two   many ways to identify  increase your satisfaction.
                                                               reasons. One reason is     the constitution. Since a  Then we can confidently
                                                               that the Taeeumins have    constitution is broadly  put forth our pride in
         △ Four Needle Technique points for Soeumin are 대도 SP2
         (Fire),  소부  HT8  (Fire),  음릉천SP9  (Water),  and  음곡KD10   opposite five-element   encoded in the DNA, it  Korean medicine into the
         (Water). These points are applicable for 70% of Soeumins.   states of excessive Fire,   manifests itself in multiple  world.

                                   medicine. On the other
        By David Lee, L.Ac.
                                   hand, Sasang acupuncture
                                   utilizes Transporting Shu
        Is it possible to unify  points for the constitutions.
        acupuncture and herbal  This means an individual
        medicine under one  is born with immutable
        theory? Or are we chasing  constitutional acupuncture
        a  pipe dream  with  very  points, which do not change
        little  possibility?  Well,  in a person’s lifetime. A
        under constitutionology,  Soeumin has deficient
        a single diagnosis for  Fire, deficient Earth, and
        both acupuncture and  excessive Water when
        herbal medicine is now a  directly transposed from
        reality. Saam acupuncture,  Zang organs to five
        Sasang medicine, and Eight  elements. Four Needle
        Constitutions acupuncture  Technique points for
        had paved the way for the  Soeumin are 대도 SP2 (Fire),
        final key that solved the  소부  HT8  (Fire),  음릉천
        problem and seamlessly  SP9 (Water), and 음곡KD10
        integrated them. You may  (Water). These points help
        wonder since herbal and  to tonify Fire and Earth;
        meridian theories are  and sedate Water. The
        mutually exclusive, there  outcome is an improvement
        cannot be a direct relation.  of pain, inflammation, and
        I implore you to reconsider  dysfunction  because  they
        based on the rationale and  help the body to self-heal.
        final key provided below.   Furthermore, these points
        Let’s begin with a Soeumin  are applicable for 70% of
        diagnosis. According to  Soeumins.
        Jema Lee, a Soeumin has  The final key that further
        big Kidney and small Spleen  increases reliability and
        organs, which are confirmed  therefore confirms the
        with diet and herbal  Sasang acupuncture is the
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