Page 6 - Acupuncture Times September 2019
P. 6

6        Clinic Management                                                                        September 1, 2019  Vol. 6  Hani Times

                Three Elements to Establish a Treatment Plan

                                                                                          as a surgery case because  patients will see the recovery
                                                                                          he does not have ankle  of VAS 5 from 10 in the first
                                                                                          weakness neither sensation  month. The VAS will be 3 at
                                                                                          loss. Prognosis is rather  the end of the second month. If
                                                                                          positive since he has only  the VAS is still 8 or 9, steroid
                                                                                          one disc protrusion and other  injection is to be considered
                                                                                          discs are fine.            to reduce inflammation
                                                                                          Total treatment period is 3  instantly. In very rare cases,
                                                                                          months and 80% of recovery  traditional open surgery can be
                                                                                          in VAS is expected. In order  considered if the pain level is
                                                                                          to control the pain and make  still as high as the beginning.
                                                                                          balance of the spine, the patient  Nevertheless, the recovery
                                                                                          needs to be recommended as  rate after surgery is faster
                                                                                          taking sessions of acupuncture  than control group because
                                                                                          and chiropractic treatments  the patient has already taken
                                                                                          at least twice a week on  herbal medicine to strengthen
                                                                                          regular basis. Also, herbal  the supporting muscle and
                                                                                          medicine should be prescribed  ligament so far.
                                                                                          to reduce inflammation at
        △ Acupuncturist and patient during consultation in clinic. photoⓒenvato-stevanovicigor
                                                                                          pinched spinal nerve which  It is important to make a
                                                                                          is generated from irregular  prompt improvement, but it
                                   and method of treatment  is 8 out of 10, you should tell  friction between nerve and  is also necessary to explain
        By Winston Lee
                                   in the beginning. It is not  the patient that it would be  herniated disc.        treatment goal and plan A, B
        L. Ac., Ph.D., KMD
                                   enough to convince the patient  2 or zero after several weeks  Plus this herbal medicine  and C to patient fully before
                                   that the doctor will treat the  or months.             is helpful to regenerate the  starting as described above.
        The era that a doctor clears  patient with one method for  Unfortunately, most of patients  damaged nerve. Patient needs  Communication is everything.
        up to his patient about  several months. The method  consider the definition of ending  to take this medicine twice a  With good communication,
        treatment as short as Advil  and frequency can be various,  of treatment as reaching pain  day for three months.   doctors and patients both can
        instruction is over. In the  and it depends on the patient’s  level zero and never happening  Based on statistics, 80% of  be happy with any situation.
        past, it was acceptable for a  current condition.     again. Physicians should inform
        doctor to explain his patient  For example, he or she is going  the patient the expected goal
        the brief information about  to take treatments three times  of pain level clearly at initial
        the surgery and patient was  a week in the initial intensive  visit based on doctor’s own
        supposed to sign on thousand  treatment period. When the  medical experience. It is
        pages without knowing the  pain level decreases than the  almost impossible for a doctor       한의타임즈 제작진
        aftermath or side effects of  beginning, the frequency could  to treat severe degenerative   -총괄 및 한국어판 편집장: 진희정
        the procedure.             be reduced as much as twice  disc disease patient in several   -영어판 편집장: 조남욱
                                                                                                -디자이너: 미셸장
        However, the thing has  a week. The method should  weeks to reach absolute zero
                                                                                                -OC배포: 박형호
        been changed. Patients are  be flexible as well and it  level of pain. Likewise, it would   -한국어 연재: 강주봉 원장, 안덕균 박사,
        expecting to have more  should be informed to patient  make no problem to anticipate     오세준 원장, 홍대선 원장
        detailed information about  in advance. To address acute  the treatment period as 2 or 3   -영어 연재: 강주봉 원장, 오세준 원장,
                                                                                                 이우경 원장
        the treatment these days -  and severe pain, a doctor can  weeks for simple ankle sprain
                                                                                                 사이먼 김 교수, 데이비드 리
        the total period of treatment,  use treatment A.      without any bone fracture.
        what if the initial treatment is  But when the pain goes down                                Acupuncture Times
        not working, plan B strategy  to moderate level in few weeks,  Suppose we have a case like   -General & Korean Edition, Editor of Chief:
        if it does not work, detailed  treatment B will be applied  this. A patient in his early 40’s     Heejeong Jin
                                                                                                -English Edition, Editor of Chief: Namwook Cho
        side effect of the treatment,  to patient to strengthen the  has a severe and acute pain on
                                                                                                -Design: Michelle Chang
        the worst scenario and the  ligament and tendon. It has  his back and the patient has   -O.C. Publisher: Hyungho Park
        total cost.                a huge difference between  sciatica and radiating pain on    -Column(Korean): Brandon SJ Oh,
                                   changing the plan - including  the right hip through thigh.     Daesun Hong, Jubong Kang, Deog Kyun Ahn
                                                                                                -Column(English):  Jubong Kang,
        First, we should provide the  frequency or method - without  It has been 2 weeks since
                                                                                                 Brandon SJ Oh, Winston Lee,
        patient some information of  letting the patient to know it  he got this pain and he took    Simon Kim, David Lee
        the treatment period. Actually,  before and informing them with  an MRI last week. The MRI
        patients are most curious  a kind and friendly manner.  shows 5 mm intervertebral
        about this one. Because this  You can understand this when  disc protrusion at L4 and L5. will
        information is directly related  you got some sting pain just  Upon physical examination,   be available on September 1st.
        with patient’s time and cost.  after your dentist says like  a doctor took SLR(Straight
        Not many people are able  this. “Sorry, you will have a  Leg Raising) test and he has   You can get more information regarding your practice and news
        to have plenty of sick days  little pain now.” You are Okay  pain at 60 degree on right leg.   at
        without asking a favor to their  because the dentist tells you  There are no ankle weakness   • More practical information of various acupuncture skills and
        supervisor. Most of dad and  in advance.              and sensation loss on legs.   its principles.
                                                                                            • More practical information of herbal formula and case studies.
        mom need to pick up and drop                          Pain has been reduced by 20
                                                                                            • Study material for current acupuncture related studies, articles,
        off their kids on regular basis.  Last but not least is the ‘pain  percent than 2 weeks ago, but
                                                                                            and research paper.
        Everything has its own limit.  level’. You should make it  patient is not able to work well   • More practical information regarding medical billing and
                                   clear about the expected pain  due to the unbearable pain.  management.
        The next is to inform the patient  level after initial treatment                    • On-line communities for current issues.
        the frequency and duration  period. If today’s pain level  In this case, it is not considered
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