Page 12 - Acupuncture Times September 2019
P. 12
12 Opinion September 1, 2019 Vol. 6 Hani Times
What is Definition of Han Spirit and Why should it be Expanded
TKM is Originated from Han Spirit and Korean Sentiments
spirit. First the institute was I founded the South Baylo I believe TKM is not just for
found in 1977 and name was University is for introducing inserting acupuncture needles
Han Research Center. Current and educating Han sprits. on points or prescribing
name for the institute has used And a class for Han spirit herbal formula for reducing
since 2014. is provided for students. I pain. TKM is an integrated
I think education of Han spirit is believe that education of Han medical treatment that
also important to acupuncturists spirit is making South Baylo performs acupuncture and
in US. Because thoughts like University distinguish from prescribing herbal formula
humanitarianism and governing other acupuncture schools in US. in order to practice Korean
nation with reason is applicable thought of empathy toward
to educate an acupuncturist In order to get more attention to patients. The thought
who care for his/her patients from the students, yearly I have is not just for students or
with empathy. invited professors from Korea Korean acupuncturists. It is
to provide Han spirit classes virtue that all acupuncturists
One but most important reason and seminars since 1997. must have.
TKM is Originated from Han Spirit
△ Hwandan Gogi (桓檀古記) and Korean Sentiments
my country. Where did Korean
in the universe in the light of Qi This figure shows an emergent
people come from?
By Simon Kim, Professor, philosophy. How does everything concept of life in the Qi
South Baylo University come from the Yin Yang and philosophy. The key point
My journey of studying ideas of Wuxing? All things are formed of the natural philosophy
Han spirit, Humanitarianism and by the organic creation of the of Shunzi’s diagram is how
Governing nation with reason So far, I have discussed the Wuxing. Wuxing is the same as to add the periodicity of
was amazing. As I study more philosophical basis of the Yinyang. Yin and Yang are one life, which is contained in
for the ideas, I was fascinated Eastern Organic Medicine with the ultimate qi. (五行一陰 the Qi philosophy, to the
in order to make it easier to 陽也, 陰陽一太極也) To establish physical world through
more me. Also, I found a serious
By David Park, Founder of understand and communicate the life-laden East Organic the organic relation of
problem. Han spirit had been
South Baylo University in English. Rather than Medicine, I started to speak Yin Yang and the organic
fading away and forgotten introducing the various theories up the world view of quality interrelations of Wuxing. Like
by most of Korean people. and substantial contents of the image, the begetting of life, physical elements, we need
I believe that Han Spirit is one There were many answers or Asian Medicine (the formal life-laden Jingqi world through to understand the diversity
of phrases that represent best explanation, but most critical terminology of the traditional the Hani Times. Now, it is the of qi as the spatio-temporal
for Korean people and it is factors were imperial Japanese medicine in the East Asia time to talk about the various measurable things. That is why
from California Acupuncture strata of nature according to we need a redefined concept
essential to understand Korean education that tried to extinguish
Board), I have tried to convey Shun-zi’s natural philosophy. of Yin Yang, Wuxing such
culture and sentiments. traditional Korean philosophy the worldview in which the As I explained previous chapter as binary organic synthetic
Han means ‘sky’, ‘huge’, and and Han spirits during Japanese Asian medicine is commonly (Fractal theory and Yin and relation of Yin Yang and penta
‘one for all’. Han also shares colonial era and toadyism toward used in modern language. Yang), elemental qi multiplies organic interrelations of five
history of the beginning of China during Chosun Dynasty. The strategy I chose was to by its self-reproduction to different energies. The link
the universe and history of enhance the scientific and disperse into whole universe. between YY (abbreviation
logical persuasion of the Yin- Shun-zi (荀子) stratified the of Yin Yang) and WX (abb.
ancient Korea. There is an essential book that
Yang and Wuxing Theory, the Myriad Things in Qi nature Wuxing) theory totally
Yul, which could be translated explains Han spirit. Title of
framework of the philosophy like as follow: depends on the concept of
in English as spirit, means mind the book is Hwandan Gogi ( Asian Medicine. Thus, the Jingqi life.
and soul and spiritual soul. It 桓檀古記), also called Handan composition of the Yin-Yang The world view of Jingqi
also contains meaning of the Gogi, is a compilation of texts reciprocity and the Five- life is explained in great
nature of all material things. on ancient Korean history. The Fractal Wuxing was explained detail in the I-Ching and
As we put ‘Han’ and ‘Yul or text was compiled in 1911 by through geometrical figures the Emperor's Neijing.
as below figures. Therefore, some scholars
spirit’ altogether, Han spirit Gye Yeon-su (계연수, 桂延壽;
said, “The I-Ching is
means traditional Korean spirit ? – 1920) and supervised by In this chapter, I would like to dominated by the logic
as unifying all different ideas Yi Gi (이기, 李沂; 1848–1909). intensify the theory of Wuxing of Yin and Yang, and the
with affirmation. The entire set of texts, of which to organize the Myriad Things Neijing is dotted with the
the only extant version is a (萬物) which composes all things logic of Wuxing.”
I experienced with severe modern transcription by Yi
identity crises in my late 30’s Yu-rip published in 1979, is
as I actively lectured classes widely regarded as a forgery
in school as a professor. I had among academics.
unanswered questions such
as who am I? Where am I There is Han Spirit Institute in
from and am I heading to? As South Baylo University and the
I was trying to find answers institute researches and advocate,
for questions by studying Han promote, and publicize, Korean
spirit, questions expanded to culture and history and Han