Page 24 - Acupuncture Times July 2019
P. 24
24 Acupuncture July 1, 2019 Vol. 4 Hani Times
Underlying Theories of Acupuncture Treatment 3
Your First Needle Should Go to the Ying Meridian on
Upper Body
One Acupuncture Stimulation Is Good Enough for The Meridian
an acupuncture needle should pushing or extension. It I explained earlier surely has
follow Qi movement of body. means that upper body’s Ying acupuncture treatment benefits
The second rule for choosing meridians have stronger Qi and reduce the side effects of
an acupuncture point is power than Yang meridian. acupuncture and reducing side
using an acupuncture point Meridians on lower body are effects of acupuncture.
which is located on stronger different from upper body. One stimulation by
Qi movement. In general, Yang meridians on legs acupuncture needle insertion
a meridian that starts to have stronger Qi and have on the meridian is strong
expand from the body trunk more strength than Ying enough.
is considered as stronger Qi meridians. This can be easily Once an acupuncture point on
power than the meridians that understood by comparing the meridian is stimulated by
start from the extremities. power for moving legs outside, acupuncture needle insertion,
△ After understanding the principles of acupuncture treatment, Therefore, control a stronger which is controlled by Yang Qi is pulled and pushed along
that makes it possible apply acupuncture treatment for various meridian by insertion of meridians from center of with the meridian. So, one
symptoms. photoⓒDollarphotoclub_B. Wylezich
acupuncture needle first. the body and moving legs acupuncture stimulation is
One may question what is the inside, which is managed by good enough for stimulation
If the human body starts difference of Qi power and Ying meridian. There is a of the meridian. It is not
By Brandon SJ Oh, expanding its movement on the strength of each meridian. closed relationship between recommended to use more than
Ph.D., L.Ac. Ying meridians, these are Let’s compare muscle power the amount Qi power and one acupuncture point selection
located on the hands or upper to Qi. For the upper body, muscle strength – more Qi of the same meridian in order
One of the basic acupuncture body meridians. Qi movement Ying meridians that start from means more power. Therefore, to not over stimulate certain
treatment fundamental is the on Yang meridians begin from the body trunk controls the the relationship between Qi meridians. But some cases
dynamics of Ying and Yang (陽 the feet and are located on the pulling muscle. strength and muscle and are exceptional. In the case of
中之陰 陰中之陽) which means lower body. So, if you want to muscle distribution and chronic numbness or weakness
Ying expand in Yang as Yang use acupuncture points which locations of meridian should due the loss of certain meridian
diminishes and Yang starts are located on upper body or be considered for acupuncture functions, the need for stronger
body yang
expanding in Ying, vice versa. the arms and the hands you treatment plan. I believe stimuli could be achieved
If you deeply understand the should select an acupuncture consideration of muscle and by using more than one
meaning of the dynamics point which is located on a meridian relationship and acupuncture point selection. But
of Ying and Yang, it would Ying meridian and insert your adapting Qi movement of the selection of more than on
help to understand meaning first acupuncture needle on certain meridian makes a more acupuncture point on the same
of characteristics of each it. Also, if you want to start natural, effective acupuncture meridian should consider the
meridian and your treatment your treatment by using treatment without causing Qi movement of the meridian.
effect will be improved. acupuncture points which are low side effects such as nausea or For example, Master's Tong's
located on the lower body or body dizziness. Acupuncture frequently uses
feet and legs, an acupuncture yin To summarize what I more than one acupuncture
point located on a Yang explained earlier, first insert point selection on the same
meridian should be used the acupuncture needle on the meridian and my technique
first. This is a most natural most appropriate acupuncture cannot be mixed due to
and effective way to control points on Ying meridian on canceling effects of two different
Qi movement of human upper body and Yang meridian treatment techniques. Treating a
△ Upper par t of the
body without disturbing Qi diaphragm is considered Yang, on lower body. Then, by using patient with over stimulation or
movement and to prevent lower of the diaphragm is interior/exterior relationships of consideration of Qi movement
considered as Ying. photoⓒ
side effects of acupuncture hanitimes meridians for next acupuncture need to be carefully decided
treatment. The reason why points which delivers by a practitioner. For the next
△ Ying meridians start Qi
movement on upper body acupuncture needle on the Also, Yang meridians that stimulation made by the first issue, I will explain and show
and Yang meridians start Qi body controls Qi movement is begin rom the fingers control acupuncture needle to interior/ practical approaches regarding
movement on lower body. because the body controls Qi push muscles. Muscle strength exterior meridians. Determine acupuncture point selection and
Procedure of an acupuncture
treatment should begin on an movement. of the arms for pulling or order of acupuncture point treatment procedure based on
acupuncture point which is Qi movement on upper and bending is stronger than selection according to what my theory.
located on the Ying meridian lower body and extremities –
on upper body. For choosing
an acupuncture point on the The second rule for choosing 한의타임즈 제작진 Acupuncture Times
lower body, acupuncture point an acupuncture point
on Yang meridian should Imagine that you want to
be inserted first. photoⓒ -총괄 및 한국어판 편집장: 진희정 -General & Korean Edition, Editor of Chief:
AdobeStock_dule964 purify a polluted river. The -영어판 편집장: 조남욱 Heejeong Jin
most efficient way to purify -디자이너: 미셸장 -English Edition, Editor of Chief: Namwook Cho
Dynamics of Ying and Yang is to clear the source of -OC배포: 박형호 -Design: Michelle Chang
-한국어 연재: 강주봉 원장, 안덕균 박사, -O.C. Publisher: Hyungho Park
– The first rule for choosing pollution on the upper reaches -Column(Korean): Brandon SJ Oh,
오세준 원장, 홍대선 원장
acupuncture point of the river. An acupuncture -영어 연재: 강주봉 원장, 오세준 원장, Daesun Hong, Jubong Kang, Deog Kyun Ahn
Qi movement depends on treatment procedure should be 이우경 원장, 박준환 이사장, -Column(English): Jubong Kang,
where the human body starts like purifying a polluted river. 사이먼 김 교수 Brandon SJ Oh, Winston Lee,
David Park, Simon Kim
expanding its movement. The procedure of insertion of