Page 22 - Acupuncture Times July 2019
P. 22
22 News July 1, 2019 Vol. 4 Hani Times
Bisoma Five-Element Acupuncture By David Lee, L.Ac.
Shu-Stream), LI5 (Metal, Jing- there. It is a gateway into
River), and UB40 (Water, He- constitutional medicine, which
Sea). This alternate labeling integrates Korean Sasang Four-
of five-element points was constitutions Medicine, Korean
proposed by Lee Dongwoong in Eight-constitutions Acupuncture,
his text Physical Constitution Unani’s Greco-Roman Four
by Yin-Yang Theory, published Temperaments, Indian Ayurveda,
in 1999. and American Myers-Briggs 16
Personality Types. Your success
After giving acupuncture to with Bisoma will take you wide
more than 5,000 patients for and deep into the medicines
more than 50,000 treatments of the world, helping you see
over a 15-year period at my the unity in and underlying
Los Angeles suburb clinic, 30% commonality between them.
of the population is clinically Like Alice in Wonderland, you
verified to have this alternate will enter the rabbit hole to
five-element order instead of discover timeless truths and
the traditional order. When the secrets of the universe.
traditional order did not work, the
△ Bisoma acupuncture requires utilization of only 10 Transporting Shu points. To have it even alternate order was significantly Korean physician Jema Lee
better, manipulation technique is not necessary. 사진ⓒAdobeStock_manusapon
helpful. In addition, other foresaw constitutional medicine
acupuncturists are achieving practiced commonly by the
Have you often wished your the same outcome. Once you masses. He expressed this wide-
acupuncture system can Horary for 70% of Horary for 30% of see the result for yourself, spread acceptance in his text
population population
be simplified while patient you will be a believer. It will Longevity and Life Preservation
satisfaction is exponentially not only open the possibility in Eastern Medicine, published
상양 Large Intestine 1 규음 Gall Bladder 44
increased? Just like you, I have of making your patients and in 1894. Contrarily, Traditional
wondered about it constantly in 통곡 Urinary Bladder 66 점곡 Small Intestine 2 pocket happier, but will also Eastern Medicine treated a human
the first 10 years of my practice accelerate the acceptance of being as a well-balanced blank
hoping that it will get easier 임읍 Gall Bladder 41 함곡 Stomach 43 acupuncture by both the public slate, which after birth became
over time. and medical establishment. imbalanced by the external
양곡 Small Intestine 5 양계 Large Intestine 5
climatic forces. Constitutional
The answer was a resounding Although these points are a medicine views human beings
족삼리 Stomach 36 위중 Urinary Bladder 40
yes! Bisoma acupuncture is a stand-alone protocol, which is as inherently imbalanced prior
very simple method while still enough to give a phenomenal to birth. Climatic factors are not
highly effective. Bisoma in Greek known to treat, such as asthma, GB44 (wood), SI2 (fire), ST43 relief to your patients, you can necessarily the cause of a disease.
means two bodies because it allergies, muscle-joint pain, (earth), LI5 (metal), and UB40 still add your favorite points. Bisoma acupuncture addresses
treats at the constitutional chemical dependency, anxiety/ (water) apply to 30% of the You do not have to give up your the human at the level of
level. Since it uses only two depression, hot flashes, migraine, population. “Wait a minute! own hard-earned acupuncture epigenes, allowing the individual
sets of 5-point prescriptions neuropathy, and vertigo. These are not horary points”, know-how. You can integrate to holistically rebound at the
for a wide variety of pain and Improvement of the patient’s you may say. These points your experience with this new fundamental level. Empowering
dysfunction, a disease diagnosis condition has been shown to are horary points from the knowledge. Medicine continues the individual sets the tone for
is not necessary. be immediate and dramatic. In perspective of the five-element to evolve. Acupuncture is no autonomy and freedom. By going
Simply, if one set of 5 points do addition, multiple patients can order that begins with Wood exception. It is those who dare deeper at the constitutional
not provide relief, then the other be treated at one time without on the yang meridians at the to think differently and try level, Bisoma acupuncture is
5 points do. Furthermore, it is so compromising efficacy. Due Jing-Well points, just as yin the out-of-the-box approach part of our history of human
user-friendly that it is scientifically to the ease of learning about meridians do. Therefore, the sometimes make a discovery enhancement through optimizing
measureable, predictable, and and implementing Bisoma new horary points are GB44 of the century. This is one of the individual’s particular
repeatable. Yes, you can have the acupuncture, clinical observation (Wood, Jing-Well), SI2 (Fire, those treasures. strengths and improving upon
cake and eat it, too. Add some shows it can be utilized to treat Ying-Spring), ST43 (Earth, But Bisoma does not just stop the weaknesses.
whip cream and a cherry on top anyone, anywhere.
while you are at it.
The first set of 5 horary points 7월
The best is that Bisoma LI1 (metal), UB66 (water), GB41
acupuncture requires utilization (wood), SI5 (fire), and ST36
of only 10 Transporting Shu (earth) apply to the 70% of
points. To have it even better, population. Since these points
manipulation technique is not are ingrained in the individual
necessary. Futhermore, only from birth, it retains the
tiny acupuncture needles same relevancy through one’s
0.20 mm x 0.15 mm needles lifetime. This means these same
are enough even for larger acupuncture points will be
patients. Bisoma acupuncture effective for a person’s variety
relieves pain for a wide range of problems from childhood to
of acute and chronic health old age.
problems that acupuncture is The second set of horary points