Page 6 - 한의타임즈 2020년 5월호 전자신문
P. 6
6 Herbal Medicine May 1, 2020 Vol. 14 Hani Times
The Dynamics of Shang Han Lun ⑫ Particulars-Part 1
<3> Palpitation (動悸)
By Jubong Kang K.M.D.
Herbs: Fuling (茯苓), Palpitations
Longgu (龍骨), Muli (牡蠣) on below
Ex) Formulas: Lingguizhugan on the the heart
Decoction (苓桂朮甘湯), True umbilicus
Warrior Decoction (眞武湯)
Sentence Hypertonicity
When, in cold damage, after
vomiting or precipitation, on below the
there is counter flow fullness umbilicus
below the heart, the qi surges Rumbling sounds
upward to the chest, the △ Various Kinds of Palpitation. ImageⓒBy Jubong Kang. △ Abdominal Diagnosis of Guizhi plus Longgu Muli Decoc-
tion. ImageⓒBy Jubong Kang.
person experiences a dizzy
head upon standing, and the Hard
pulse is sunken and tight., glomus
if sweating is promoted, the below
channels will be stirred and the heart
there will be quivering and Fullness
trembling then ‘Fuling Guizhi in the Hard glomus
Baizhu Gancao Decoction’ chest and below the
governs. (Shang Han Lun, Line rib-side heart
67, p. 171, PPV) Fullness
Hyper- in the
Commentary Rumbling tonicity and
sounds Sometimes
Palpitations can be palpated in rib-side
three abdominal regions: the rumbling sounds
first place is below the heart,
second place is around the △ Abdominal Diagnosis of Caihu plus Longgu Muli Decoc- △ ‘Abdominal Diagnosis’ of ‘Shao Caihu Decoction’. Image
tion. ImageⓒBy Jubong Kang. ⓒBy Jubong Kang.
umbilicus, and lastly, the third
one is below the umbilicus. of palpitations are not be The representative herbs for ‘palpitation’ are ‘Fuling’, the condensed blood supplies
In this book, specific kinds discussed. mentioned in “Shang Han Lun” ‘Longgu’, ‘Muli’, ‘Maimendong’, much more combustion heat
and ‘Gandihuang’. Formulas and calories to the brain cells.
of “Shang Han Lun” which In this case, herbs such as
한의의사사를를 위위한한 BBiilllliinngg SSeerrvviiccee contain these herbs are used ‘Shengdihuang’, ‘Gandihuang’,
to treat ‘palpitation’. and ‘Maimendong’ are used
& & 보보험험 청청구구 교교육육 Three reasons in “Shang Han to supply the body with fresh
Lun” are given as the causes ‘water’ and abundant minerals.
of. The first is due to excess According to biochemical
미 전역에서 유일하게 한의사 전문 보험 청구 of ‘water’, the second is due to physiology, one of the ways
대행 및 교육을 하는 전문 회사입니다. deficiency of ‘water’, and the our body supplies ‘water’ to
third is psychological tension. the cells is through minerals.
고 ‘Fuling’ is suitable to the first ‘Zhi Gancao Decoction’ in
고민민 끝끝 !!
reason of ‘palpitation’, and the “Shang Han Lun”, a very
보험험 청청구구 관관련련 교교육육//상상담담//대대행행
보 excess of ‘water’ means excess important formula in practice,
바로로 해해결결해해 드드립립니니다다
바 of ‘lymph liquid’ in vessels. If is one of those kinds of
the blood thickness becomes formulas. More detailed
보험 청구 대행 서비스(We do the billing for you) thin because of excessive interpretation of this formula
‘lymph liquid’ in veins, then will be covered in Chapter 3.
* *****OOnnllyy $$ 55..0000((ccllaaiimm//ddaayy))****** the heart rate increases to In the third case of ‘palpitation’
transport the dilute blood to due to psychological tension,
회 회원원제제로로 소소수수 인인원원 CCllaaiimm SSeerrvviiccee the brain efficiently. then ‘Longgu’ or ‘Muli’ are
( (AASSHH ccllaaiimm 대대행행은은 하하지지 않않습습니니다다)) In this case, ‘Fuling’ promotes available. Both herbs belong
urinary function to eliminate to the herbal category of
보험 청구 교육(Insurance Billing Education) excessive ‘water’. i.e. Then the ‘substance that anchor, settle,
3 22 heart rate drops to a normal and calm the spirit.’
OOrraannggee CCoouunnttrryy 지역 교육 계획((동시통역)) level. ‘Fuling Guizhi Baizhu These types of herbs contain
- -일자//장소 :: 88//3300,, HHoowwaarrdd JJoohhnnssoonn HHootteell Gancao Decoction’ is one of abundant minerals such as
- -타 교육 기관과 다른 점((교육내용)),, 자세한 문의는 those formulas. calcium and magnesium and
a accuu--iinnssuurraannccee@@nnaavveerr..ccoomm ,, 771144--339922--33990033((TTeexxtt oonnllyy)) The second reason for others that clam the mind.
‘palpitation’ is because of Formulas such as ‘Guizhi plus
보 the condensed blood. The Longgu Muli Decoction’, ‘Caihu
보험험청청구구 자자세세한한 문문의의는는 aaccuuhheellpp99119911@@ggmmaaiill..ccoomm 또또는는
7 76600--998855--33330066((TTeexxtt oonnllyy)) 로로 연연락락 주주시시기기 바바랍랍니니다다.. condensed blood causes plus Longgu Muli Decoction’,
the brain to become hyper and ‘Caihu Guizhi Ganjiang
A A22ZZ HHeeaalltthh SSeerrvviicceess,, IInncc stimulated because high Decoction’ belong to this
concentrations of oxygen in category.