Page 4 - 한의타임즈 2020년 5월호 전자신문
P. 4

4        광고                                                                                             May 1, 2020  Vol. 14  Hani Times

                            Constitutional Acupuncture
                              COVID-19 Hyperthermia Therapy

                                                              enough time for the virus   Acetaminophen and  skin.)
                                                              to proliferate. It takes a lot   ibuprofen, and  aspirin  The best way to protect
                                                              of heat to warm up water    cool down your body.  yourself against COVID-19
                                                              and your body takes time    This is why keeping your  is  by  frequently  cleaning
                                                              to generate needed heat.    skin  and  stomach  very  your hands. (My reply:
                                                              Stay indoors. A cold draft   warm can prevent cooling  washing hands is for
                                                              will set you back quickly.  except your head. You  prevention but does not
                                                              Wear a double layer of      are giving your body an  treat it.)
                                                              warm clothing to keep       opportunity  to  build  up
                                                              your skin from neck down    its immune system before  While I agree that Hot
                                                              overly  warm.  Constantly   the symptoms become  Bath Does Not Kill
                                                              keep your body overly       severe. Please check with  Coronavirus, I recommend
                                                              warm all throughout the     your doctor regarding  that a hot bath and warm
        △  Because  viruses  quickly  multiply  in  cold  temperature,   day and even at night in   which medication you can  clothing MAY SLOW DOWN
        hyperthermia therapy is recommended for the early stage of   bed with a blanket.  take.                      the replication of virus
        COVID-19 or influenza virus infection. imageⓒ shutterstock_
        MomvectorT.                                           Wear socks and shoes in                                at the initial onset of
                                                              the house so that your      World Health Organization  fever and cough. For a
                                   under a very warm blanket  feet do not touch the cold   seemingly has a contradictory  severe condition with
        By David Lee L.Ac.         overnight or longer.       floor. Hands, and feet lose   view and my reply in paren-  difficulty breathing, the
                                   At the initial onset of fever,  heat very quickly.     thesis:                    patient will need an oxygen
                                   cough, and sore throat,  If you use sauna, jacuzzi,    Taking a hot bath will not  ventilator machine to
        Use this simple 100-       constantly keep an overly  and hot tub, do not use it   prevent you from catching  sustain life. Even with a
        104° Fahrenheit (38-40°  warm body. This does not  for more than 15 minutes       COVID-19. (My reply – a  lack of medication, there
        Celsius) therapy at the  seem to be a big deal but  to avoid exhaustion. Make     hot bath is not used as a  is an opportunity for
        initial onset of COVID-19  has a tremendous impact  sure to dry your skin         prevention.)               acupuncture and Sasang
        and common influenza.  for those who are infected.   thoroughly afterwards to     Your normal body temperature  herbs to save lives. They
        With this method, the  It  is  because  virus  easily  prevent the moisture from   remains around 36.5°C to 37°  will  not  only reduce  the
        body is given more time  multiplies in cooler parts  cooling down the skin.       C (97.7° to 98.6), regardless  illness but accelerate the
        to produce antibodies  of the body, such as under  Keep your head cool            of the temperature of your  recovery.
        against the virus before the  the skin and in the nasal  while the whole body     bath or shower. (My reply –
        condition becomes severe.  passage.                   is immersed in high         the core temperature remains  In this pandemic of a
        After being exposed to a                              temperature. Then the       same but an increased  new coronavirus with an
        cold draft, some of us had  Here’s how one can self-  brain is protected from its   heat to the skin and nasal  unknown solution, 30 to
        the worsening of cold/     treat using heat therapy at  damaging effect.          passage slows down the viral  70% of global population
        flu symptoms with chills  home:                       In this way, you are giving   replication.)            will get COVID-19. At the
        and feeling out of sort.  Drink warm liquid only. If  your body the time for      Taking a hot bath with  initial onset, a simple
        Even an exposure to only  one drinks water at room  it to develop immunity        extremely hot water can  heat therapy may actually
        5 minutes of a cold draft  or cooler temperature, then  w h il e   sl o wi n g   do w n   be harmful, as it can burn  be a simple solution
        sets you back. And some  the body will cool down  t he  m ul ti pl i ca ti on  o f   you. (My reply: 100-104°  until the immune system
        of us had relief after being  momentarily. It will  give  coronavirus.            Fahrenheit cannot scald a  develops antibodies.

            Where you can pick your Acupuncture Times.

                           (한의타임즈 배포처)

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