Page 5 - 한의타임즈 2020년 4월호
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        April 1, 2020  Vol. 13  Hani Times                                                                          Acupuncture

                           Constitutional Acupuncture

            Coronavirus COVID-19 Using Bisoma Acupuncture

                                                    and Sasang Herbs

                                                                                   Yang Horary points on one-side of body only

                                                                  70% of population        Metal-Order         LI1, UB66, GB41, SI5, and ST36
                                                                  30% of population        Wood-Order          GB44, SI2, ST43, LI5, and UB40

                                                              threatening disease, it is   Roman Unani can use its own  Huo 3 grams, Du Huo 3, Chai Hu
                                                              imperative to reduce the over-  constitutional diagnosis.   3, Qian Hu 3, Jing Jie 3, Fang Feng
                                                              activity of the immune system   The following herbal formula is  3, Chi Fu Ling 3, Sheng Di Huang
                                                              at the expense of the lungs and   one dosage amount for an adult.  3, Di Gu Pi 3, and Che Qian Zi 3.
                                                              to promote healing by providing   For a severe condition, up to  With the above acupuncture and
                                                              frequent treatments throughout   4 dosages a day can be taken.  herbal formulas, an acupuncturist
                                                              the day. As a practitioner, follow   Chuan Xiong Gui Zhi Tang for  has the right tools to be a
        △ Acupuncture has been shown to be effective in the early
        stage of obesity. imageⓒshutterstock_Leonardo da      the guideline of protecting   Soeumin: Gui Zhi 9 grams, Bai  highly effective practitioner,
                                                              yourself first by wearing mask,   Shao Yao 6, Chuan Xiong 3, Cang  even addressing COVID-19
                                                              sanitizing hands frequently, and   Zhu 3, Chen Pi 3, Zhi Gan Cao 3,  with confidence. Along with
                                   only two acupuncture point
        By David Lee, L.Ac.                                   avoiding close contact.     Sheng Jiang 3 pieces, and Da Zao  the clinicians of the past and
                                   combinations. For an individual,
                                                                                          2 pieces. Qing Fe Si Gan Tang  current, constitutional medicine
                                   one of these acupuncture
                                                              Korean Sasang herbal medicine   for Taeeumin: Ge Gen 12 grams,  is serving my clinic well. Because
        Bisoma Acupuncture accelerates   formulas is optimal. Simply,
                                                              are also valuable in minimizing   Huang Qin 6, Gao Ben 6, Lai Fu  constitutional medicine is
        the recovery of flu, including   the practitioner chooses one
                                                              problems while accelerating   Zi 3, Jie Geng 3, Sheng Ma 3, Bai  straight-forward to learn and
        coronavirus COVID-19. From   of two options from Yang
                                                              recovery. Although these Asian   Zhi 3, Zhi Da Huang 3 plus Xing  implement, it is an evolutionary
        common cold to flu, acupuncture  Horary acupuncture points.
                                                              herbs were exclusively used   Ren 3 grams, Kuan Dong Hua 3,  and a revolutionary solution as
        has been useful in promoting  In addition, choose only either
                                                              with Asian medical diagnosis,   and Bai Guo 6 pieces. Jing Fang  an integrative medicine even for
        a quicker recovery from fever,  right or left side of the body to
                                                              Indian Ayurveda and Greco-  Bai Du San for Soyangin: Qiang  the modern diseases of today.
        cough, and difficult breathing.  place acupuncture needles. Do
        Even with the new viral strains   not give bilateral acupuncture
        every season, acupuncture and  because many people do not                CONSTITUTIONS                         HERBAL MEDICINE
        herbs have been instrumental  have a mirror image of the same
        in keeping up with the changes  points on both sides of the body.   Sasang  Ayurveda  Unani
        although the formulas have not  Besides, one-sided treatment
                                                                 Soeumin,       Kapha,        Phlegmatic, Cool-Damp  Chuan Xiong Gui Zhi Tang
        changed. Because COVID-19 is a   is as effective as a bilateral
                                                                 Lesser Yin     Vata          Melancholic, Cool-Dry  천궁계지탕
        variation of flu, it can be treated   treatment.
        with the same methods.     Here’s the acupuncture protocol
                                                                 Taeeumin,      Kapha-Pitta   Choleric,              Qing Fei Si Gan Tang + plus
        Bisoma acupuncture is a reliable  for coronavirus COVID-19:
                                                                 Greater Yin                  Dry-Warm               청폐사간탕 + 가미
        way to quickly administer a  Acupuncture can be provided
        treatment without having to go   three times a day because one   Soyangin,  Pitta-Vata,  Sanguine, Warm-Dry,   Jing Fang Bai Du San
        through the hassle of differential   cannot over receive acupuncture.   Lesser Yang  Pitta  Warm-Damp        형방패독산
        diagnosis because there are  Because COVID-19 is a life-

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