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2 2      광고                                                                                            April 1, 2020  Vol. 13  Hani Times
                 Traditional Korean Medicine

       『Dongui Bogam-Internal Bodily Elements(동의보감-내경편』Ⅰ. Body(신형 身形)

                              15. Treating Diseases with the Dao 以道療病 도로 병을 치료한다

                                   for  sure  and  solving    treat  them  after  they
        Written By Jun Heo(許浚,
                                   everything  will  lead     occur. Ways of treating
        1539~1615), Translated by
                                   t he  mi n d t o b e c le a re d   diseases  before  they
        Namil Kim, Wung Seok Cha
                                   at once and the disease    o cc ur   a re   c o nt ro l li ng
        et al., Published by Ministry
                                   will be cured. When this   and training the mind.
        of Health & Welfare (Korea)
                                   happens, the disease will   Ways of treating diseases
                                   vanish even before any     after  they  occur  are
        ① Quxian ( 臞 仙) said:  medicine is taken. This        medicines, acupuncture,
        “Wise doctors of ancient  is the fundamental law      and  moxibustion.  The
        times treated the minds  of  the  wise  man  who      treatments  differ  but
        of people and led them  treats  the  mind  with       the origin of diseases
        to  a void   dise ases.  Tao to cure diseases.”       is only one; it cannot
        Doctors in the present  ②  A l s o ,  h e  s a i d : “W i s e   be denied that diseases
        day,  however,  only  doctors treat diseases          originate  from  the
        know  how  to  treat  before  they  occur,            mind.”
        the  diseases  and  not  and  ordinary  doctors        (→ Continued in next issue)  △ English Version of Dongui Bogam. imageⓒ
        the  minds  of  people.
        This is throwing away
        the  fundamentals  and
        pursuing the terminals;
        no t  in ves tig ati ng  t he
        origin and running after
        t h e   f l o w   a n d   h o p i n g
        for  the  disease  to  be
        cured. This is such an
        a b s u r d  a c t .  O f  c o u r s e ,
        the  disease  might  be
        cured by chance, but it
        is something a foolish
        doctor of the mundane
        world would do, which
        must not be the model
        f o r   o t h e r s .   A   h e r m i t
        named  Taebaek  said,
        'One must treat the mind
        to  treat  the  disease;
        relying  on  the  Tao  is
        only possible when the
        mind  is  in  the  right
        condition.' If the patient
        is led to get rid of all
        the  doubts,  thoughts,
        delusions, complaints,
        and discriminations, and
        is reminded to reflect
        on  one's  faults,  he  or
        she  would  be  able  to
        empty  the  body  and
        mind, and correspond to
        the outside world. When
        this  state  continues,
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        last, one realizes that
        all  the  mundane  is
        nothing but empty, all
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        fortune and misfortune
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        and death are nothing
        but a dream. Knowing
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