Page 11 - Acupuncture Times July 2019
P. 11
July 1, 2019 Vol. 4 Hani Times Clinic Managament
The Difference between X-ray and
MRI Readings of Spinal Disorders
out diseases and symptoms that disc. Its accuracy is higher than
should already be taken care of any other traditional diagnostic
by other healthcare specialists. imaging such as X-ray and CT
scan. It would be ideal if every
This process will also reduce single patient takes MRI exam
the probability of malpractice first and then see a doctor.
and acupuncturists can protect
themselves from lawsuit. At But practically speaking, it’s
least the practitioner can secure impossible due to the higher cost
the evidence that physician did and time for taking MRI’s. In
their best for patient to find out general, when pain level is low
the reason. and recent, the patient takes an
X-ray screening. If patient has
X-ray is a cost-effect method, extreme pain, severe tingling,
considering its affordable other symptoms related to
cost and promptness. In Los pinched nerve, prolonged low
Angeles, when a patient visits back pain or sciatica, an MRI
an imaging center for X-ray, exam should be recommended
they charge $60-100 per part. to the patient in order for a
△ Pre-screening process, such as X-ray and MRI readings help you ruling out diseases Most of the imaging centers practitioner to find the exact
and symptoms that should be taken care by other healthcare specialists. X-ray and MRI
tests will also reduce the probability of malpractice and possible lawsuit cases. photoⓒ do not require reservation for reason and solution for the
AdobeStock_Suzi X-ray exam. Through this symptom.
exam a physician can figure
practice to learn and achieve for the symptom. out patient’s bone structure MRI can help diagnosis of
By Winston Lee that level. However, patient’s including spinal balance, curve spinal disorders. When the
L. Ac., Ph.D., KMD expectation has been increased In addition, when the practitioner and disc space simultaneously. patient is diagnosed with a disc
nowadays. In order to meet is aware of the cause of a symptom, However, X-ray itself observes herniation or spinal stenosis,
a patient's expectation from the outcome of acupuncture is only bone structure. This exam it is not a just sprained back.
It is not that difficult to place acupuncture, practitioners more successful. Also, if you have cannot check any abnormality of The approach to the disease
a needle to an Ashi point. It need to figure out the root done this pre-screening process soft tissue such as disc cartilage is totally different than just a
can take less than a year of cause and objective evidence in advance, you are able to rule or meniscus in knee joints. Also sprained back. The total period
pinched nerve, injury of ligament of treatment is anticipated to
and tendon are not able to be be three to four months, not
found through X-ray. Not to just a couple of weeks.
mention X-ray has a risk of
radiation - although risk has When it comes to disc herniation
decreased from the past. or spinal stenosis, I usually
prescribe herbal medicine
The limitations of X-ray can be to help reduce inflammation
made up by Magnetic Resonance between nerve and herniated
Image (MRI), which uses very disc and do acupuncture
strong magnetic fields to detect to reduce acute pain. The
hydrogen atoms in the body. technique of acupuncture for
Compared to X-rays, MRI is this condition can vary. I use an
less hazardous because MRI MSAT(Motion Styled Acupuncture
never uses any radiation. Even Technique) developed by Jaseng
pregnant women can take MRI Hospital. Plus, if a patient was
exams. MRI can show the recommended to have a surgery
conditions of nerve, ligament, note disadvantages such as
tendon, and cartilage including serious muscle weakness. will
be available on August 1st.
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