Page 8 - Acupuncture Times April 2019
P. 8

22       Academics                                                                                                 April 1, 2019  Vol. 1  Hani Times

                 What is Sasang Constitutional Medicine(SCM)?

                                                                                                                                 By Namwook Cho, L.Ac.

                                                                   kidney, liver and spleen groups.   the lung group is in charge of  whereas the liver of this type is
                                                                   The lung group includes lungs,   process of consuming Qi and body  hyperactive. As such, the TE type
                                                                   tongue, esophagus region, ears,   fluid, whereas the liver group  is characterized by a state of weak
                                                                   brain and skin. The spleen group   is responsible for the process of  consumption and strong storage
                                                                   consists of spleen, stomach, breasts,   producing and storing these inner  of Qi and body fluid. The SY type
                                                                   eyes and tendon. The constituents   substances.           has a hyperactive spleen group and
                                                                   of the liver group are the liver,   According to the perspective of  hypoactive kidney group, which
                                                                   small intestine, nose, lumbar region   SCM, most of humans have a  leads to a consistent state of strong
                                                                   and muscle. The kidney group has   tendency of skewed state in terms  raw material intake and weak waste
                                                                   the kidney, large intestine, urethra,   of the seesaw balance between the  discharge.
                                                                   bladder, mouth and bones.    visceral groups of the specific pair:  In contrast, the SE type has a state
                                                                   Physiological Functions of   the lung-liver pair and the spleen-  of weak raw material intake and
                                                                   Visceral Groups and the Key   kidney pair.                strong waste discharge due to its
                                                                   Features of constitutional   Based on a skewed equilibrium of  congenital hypoactive spleen group
         △ SCM is unique Korean Medicine With Different View of Human   Types                   these visceral group pairs, SCM  and hyperactive kidney group.
         Body As Independent Being from Nature. photoⓒAdobeStock_                                      According to SCM, the spleen   classifies human beings into four  Such differences in physiological
                                                                   group is in charge of the intake   constitutions: TaeYang type (Greater  patterns  result  in  a  series  of
                                                                   of raw materials such as food   Yang person-TY), SoYang type  typically distinct characteristics
        SCM is a unique traditional Korean  and body in a whole as the crucial   and drink, whereas the kidney   (Lesser Yang person-SY), TaeEum  of each constitution, including
        therapeutic alternative form of  point of human physiology and   group regulates the process of   type(Greater Yin person-TE),  external appearance, personality
        medicine. Based on the Yin and  pathology. Lee, Jema created SCM   waste discharge, including bowel   SoEum type(Lesser Yin person-SE)  traits, manifestation of healthy and
        Yang theory and on Confucianism,  theory, classifying human beings   movement and urination.   The TY type has a hyperactive lung  unhealthy state and response to
        humen are classified into four  into four constitutional types and   The functions of the lung and   group and a hypoactive liver group  medicine and treatment.
        constitutions.               developed systematically unique   liver groups are described as   that manifests a state of strong   (This is summary of a article “Sasang
        These  differ  in  terms  of  ①  physiological, pathological, herbal   dealing with the critical bodily   consumption and weak storage of   Constitutional Medicine as a Holistic
                                                                                                                             Tailored Medicine”, published online
        Sensitivity to certain group of  pharmacological, dietary and mind-  substances including the Qi and   Qi and body fluid. In contrast, the
                                                                                                                             by Evidence-based Complementary and
        herbs and medicines ②Equilibrium  body-related theories.   body fluid. Within this perspective,   lungs of the TE type are hypoactive,   Alternative Medicine 9/19/2011.)
        among internal organic functions  Constitutional Physiological
        ③Physical features and  ④    Principles of SCM
                                                                    CHARACTERISTICS      TY type          SY type          TE type          SE type
        Psychological characteristics.  SCM excludes the theory of the five
                                                                      HYPERACTIVE    Lung-process of con-  Spleen-process of raw   Liver-process of pro-  Kidney-process of
        Historical Background        elements and considers the human   VISCERA AND  suming of Qi and body   material intake  ducing and storing Qi   waste discharge
                                                                       FUNCTIONS     fluid                             and body fluid
        Lee, Jema, a devout Neo-Confucian,  internal visceral system differently.
                                                                    HYPOACTIVE VIS-  Liver-process of pro-  Kidney-process of   Lung-process of con-  Spleen-process of
        the mind-body interaction concept  Even though the visceral theory of   CERA AND FUNC-  ducing and storing Qi   waste discharge  suming of Qi and body   raw material intake
        in SCM. Lee, Jema was based on  SCM uses the same terminology    TIONS       and body fluid                    fluid
                                                                                     Creative Positive  Unstable/Easily get   Gentle    Neat/Mild/Negative
        the four Neo-Confucianism moral  found in TCM, they have different
                                                                                     Progressive      bored/Sacrificing  Commercial     Selfish/Organized
        concepts Benevolence, Rightness,  meanings.                   PERSONALITY    Charismatic      Righteous/Easily   Endurable      Jealous/Persistent
        Propriety and Wisdom.        SCM regards the heart as the       TRAITS       Heroic Rash mind  acceptable      Humorous         Nervous mind
                                                                                                      Hot temper/Anxious
        His observation implied that the  king among the viscera, which is                            mind             Fearful mind
        adverse response of the human  equivalent to the mind. Departing             Developed nape of the   Developed chest  Thick waist  Developed hip
                                                                     EXTERNAL AP-
        body to a specific medicinal herb  from the visceral theory in TCM   PEARANCE  neck           Small hip        Weak nape of the neck  Weak chest
                                                                                                                       Existence of perspi-
                                                                                                                                        Good digestion
                                                                                     Slender waist
                                                                                                      Good bowel movement
        was not temporary but congenitally  where viscera are assigned in   HEALTHY SIGN  Smooth urination             ration
        influenced. He also emphasized  pairs, zang and fu, SCM assumes a            Musculoskeletal weak-  Existence of consti-  Absence of perspiration  Indigestion
                                                                    UNHEALTHY SIGN   ness, emesis     pation
        the mutual interaction of mind  theory of visceral groups: The lung,
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