Page 7 - Acupuncture Times March 2022
P. 7

        Mar 1, 2022  Vol. 36  Hani Times                                                                            Acupuncture

                     Underlying Theories of Acupuncture Treatment (34)

            An Efficient and Simple Treatment for Paralysis

            There Are Two Different Ways to Apply the Technique: Using One Side of a

                                           Meridian and Both Sides of a Meridian.

                                                                                                                         By Brandon SJ Oh, L.Ac.

                                            ⑭천경 태극혈           movement of humans.  the healthier side, which  the point.
         <추자회침 편측치료>
                                                              And a limited range of  does not show symptoms,  The next step will require
                            건측 환측                             motions of the lower  as axis points, and leave  you to use only one
                ⑪K7부류          ▶   ▶      ⑪K7부류               body severely affects the  the acupuncture needle on  acupuncture point among
           ⑫GB39현종             ▶   ▶       ⑫GB39현종
                                                              quality of life.            the point. Then move to  UB62 or UB63, or UB65.
                                                              I will explain more about  the other side and insert  Once you decide to use
                                                              applying IRIN Technique  needles as Qi movement  one acupuncture point
                                    ▶      ③UB36승부            this month. In general,  on meridians.                 among UB62 or UB63, or
                                                              unlike other acupuncture  GB30, which affects strong  UB65, K1 will be used
                                   ▶      ④UB37은문
                                                              treatments, the treatment  sensation to the legs and  and stimulated strongly.
                                                              needles are not staying.  works as a pivot point,  After the K1, then move
                                   ▶                          The needles are needed  needs to be stimulated,  to K2 and K7.
                                                              to be removed as soon  and the inserted needle  After removing the needle
                                           ⑥UB57승산            as a patient feels the  on the GB30 should be  on K7, then GB39 on the
                                                              acupuncture treatment  removed. After removing  other side will be only
                                    ▶        ⑦UB58비양
                             ▶                                effect. There are two  the needle on GB30, no  stimulated but stays.
                                             ⑧UB62 or         different ways of applying  needles will be left on  UB23, UB25, and UB27
                                  ▶          UB63, or
                                      ▶                       the technique: using one  acupuncture points. Take  will be used to then insert
                ⑩K2연곡             ▶          UB65.곤륜하
                                             택일               side of a meridian and  UB36, which has a role as  needles on the Heaven
                                                              using both sides.           a valve of Qi movement on  Taiji points and remove
                                                                                          the meridian after GB30.   them.
        △Needling  Sequence-Using  Only  One  Side:  ①  GB39현  ▲ How to Apply IRIN  Next, move to UB37. UB40  Now there will be a
        종  →  ②  GB30환도(Using  a  long  needle  recommended)  →   Technique – Using Only  will be used after the  needle staying on GB39
        ③  UB36승부→④  UB37  은문  (for  only  pain  on  the  foot)  →
        ⑤ UB40위중 → ⑥ UB57승산 → ⑦ UB58비양→ ⑧ Use one  One Side                               UB37, then UB57 and UB58.  and remove it.
        acupuncture points among UB62 or UB63, or UB65. → ⑨   In general, most paralysis  The acupuncture point is  You must ensure that the
        K1용천 (the strongest stimulation required) → ⑩ K2연곡 →   affects one side of the  only used to reduce pain  IRIN technique does not
        ⑪ K7부류 → ⑫GB39현종
                                                              body. To enhance the  in the leg. If the patient  require a needle to stay
        Last month, I explained and  of lower body function  balance of both sides of  complaints only paralysis  throughout a session but
        stressed the importance  regarding the overall  the body, use GB39 on  without pain, do not use  only on the axis point.

        As You Refuse a Customer, Treat the Customer Fairly and Make

                        the Customer Understand Why He Was Refused

                                     How to Manage Your Clinic Safe From COVID-19

                                                                                                                         By Namwook Cho L.Ac

        Most acupuncturists who  goods or services. There are  that “you are within your  be discriminated against  genetic information, sexual
        have seen patients during  also ethical issues as one of  right to refuse service to  under the Civil Rights Act  preference, or marital status.
        the COVID-19 pandemic  the healthcare professionals.  an individual that cannot  of 1964 which includes race,  But there is a really important
        have questions like “what  And a possible lawsuit  provide you with the proper  gender, religion, or sexual  rule to practice your right.
        we should do to prevent the  could be filed for refusing  documentation.” And he also  preference. The Unruh  Your rule should be seen
        infection” and “what will  acupuncture treatment for  added, “Please note that the  Act covers more than just  by visible signs in your
        be the best way to protect  certain people.           Los Angeles County DPH  these basics.” That means  business entrance and
        patients, staves, and myself.”                        Health Officer Order offers  that based on the act, first,  waiting area and make sure
        At the same time, the  What  will  be  the  best  the minimum requirements.  a business owner cannot  you apply the same rule to
        acupuncturist should consider  way  to  resolve  the  Your organization can  discriminate against a  everyone. Do not make one
        their income for not seeing a   complicated issues?    make our recommendations  customer by their race, color,  who is about to be rejected
        patient. Sometimes, they have                          requirements for your private   religion, citizenship status,  by you feel unfair or bad.
        questions regarding practicing  Right to refuse service is  business at this time as well.” any disability, sex or gender  When refusing service to a
        the right to refuse service  one of the options.                                  identification, medical or  customer, it is always best
        to those who cannot provide  I sent an email to see whether  What exactly is right to  genetic information, sexual  to treat them with respect
        proper proof for finishing the   an acupuncturist can refuse   refuse service?    preference, or marital status.  and explain why you have
        COVID-19 vaccination. But  a patient who did not finish                           To make it simple, you can  the right to refuse service.
        that is not so easy because  the vaccination or cannot  According to Pride Legal, a   refuse to lend acupuncture  Make the customer happy
        of the nature of business.  prove his or herself with a  website to connect a client  service to your customers not  and have a sense of being
        An acupuncture clinic is in  form of document. The answer  to a lawyer explained that  by your patient’s race, color,  treated fairly. That is a golden
        place to provide services  was yes. One from the Los  “The Unruh Civil Rights Act  religion, citizenship status,  rule to reduce the chance
        directly related to health- Angeles Department of Public   requires all businesses to  any disability, sex or gender  of facing a lawsuit against
        related issues. Not for selling  Health(LA DPH) mentioned  host all people, and cannot  identification, medical or  you and your business.
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