Page 8 - Acupuncture Times Sep. 2021
P. 8

8        광고                                                                                             Sep 1, 2021  Vol. 30  Hani Times
                 Herbal Medicine

            Finding A Guiding Herb Makes Easier to Find the Most

                                       Efficient Formula ② Wu Zhu Yu

         Wu Zhu Yu seems to increase core body temperature, especially in the lower abdomen.

                                                              Zi. Cold intolerance and coldness  circulation in the GI tract, increasing  causing Gui Zhi’s symptoms of
                                                              of the limbs accompanied by cold  warmth and treating nausea and  body aches and chills. The right
                                                              pain in the lower abdomen are  vomiting.               choice of Gui Zhi formula would
                                                              highly indicative of Wu Zhu Yu.  Homeostasis of the body temperature  relieve such symptoms.
                                                                                          is one of the most important
                                                              1. Pharmacological Hypothesis  functions of our body to stay  1. DPHF Chart
                                                              of Wu Zhu Yu                alive and healthy. Only mammals  <CAPE Signs>
                                                              Wu Zhu Yu seems to increase core  have succeeded in achieving this  Body type: thin to obese
                                                              body temperature, especially in the  in the course of evolution. Body  Stamina: very weak ☞They
                                                              lower abdomen. By doing so, Wu Zhu  temperature can be divided into  seem tired.
                                                              Yu can increase temperatures of the  surface and core temperatures. Core  Personality: Yin
                                                              surface, extremities, digestive and  body temperature is more important  They tend to speak softly and
                                                              urogenital systems, thus promoting  than surface body temperature.  calmly and are relaxed, enduring,
        △ Wu Zhu Yu. image© shutterstock_Natchapon Srihon.
                                                              overall warmth of the body.    Surface body temperature assists  introverted, static, reserved, quiet,
                                                              (1) Wu Zhu Yu treats symptoms  in maintaining homeostasis of core  tidy, dark, depressed, gentle, naïve,
                                   ② Parts of the body (i.e., hands or  of cold pain in the lower abdomen  body temperature.  defensive, feminine types, with
         By Hyunchang Cho,
                                   feet) are cold and freezingly cold  (Cold Hernia) that manifest as  Gui Zhi’s cold intolerance appears  slow and tender demeanors.
         L.Ac., Ph.D
                                   in severe cases.           stomach pain, mild diarrhea, lower  in giving up the surface body  ☞They have Yin personality
                                   ③ Cold pain in the lower abdomen  back and leg pains, menstrual  temperature to maintain the core  and body type. They are mostly
        This month, I will explain how to  (Cold Hernia).     cramps, vaginal discharge, and  body temperature. Our body would  either a So-Yin type or a Tae-
        decide to find formulas that use                      infertility, which are caused by  contract peripheral vessels in order  Yin type according to the Sasang
        Wu Zhu Yu and some guides for  Possible Symptoms      decreased core body temperature.  to increase blood flow to the core.  constitutional typology.
        find symptoms that lead to use  ④ Headache            (2) Wu Zhu Yu promotes blood  Some women will experience
        the herb.                  ⑤ Chest fullness           circulation in the extremities,  body aches before menstruation,  2. Indications
                                   ⑥ Headache or menstrual cramps  increasing warmth and treating  saying their whole body is aching  Wu Zhu Yu is widely used
        ★ Wu Zhu Wu                that accompany nausea and  cold intolerance and coldness of  and sore, along with chills. This is  for gynecological disorders,
                                   vomiting.                  hands and feet.             because, after ovulation, the core  musculoskeletal disorders, skin
        Symptom Indicator Score +++                           (3) Wu Zhu Yu promotes cardiac  temperature of the urogenital  disorders, psychiatric disorders.
        Frequency of Use +++       CAPE                       blood circulation, treating chest  system must be slightly increased  -Menstrual cramps, Cold vaginal
                                   ⑦ Low stamina              discomfort such as chest fullness.  (0.3 to 0.5℃) to achieve an ideal  discharge, irregular menstruation,
        Main Symptoms              ⑧ Yin personality          (4) Wu Zhu Yu promotes blood  state for ovulation, fertilization, and  menopause, sterility, Postpartum
        ①  Easily feels cold more often than                  circulation in the head, increasing  pregnancy. However, a person with  Wind, and such.
        others (cold intolerance) ☞Body  Tip ⑨ You can consider Wu Zhu  warmth and treating cold headaches.  less body heat will have difficulties  -Musculoskeletal pain that
        Temperature Score: Above 5  Yu after ruling out Gui Zhi and Fu  (5) Wu Zhu Yu promotes blood  in doing so. The body would be  accompanies aversion to cold
                                                                                          forced to give up on maintaining  (whole-body) and coldness of
          Wu Zhu Yu seems to enhance core body temperature, especially in the             the surface temperature to increase  the limbs.
           lower abdomen.                                                                 the core temperature. More blood  -Others: headaches, nausea,
          By doing so, Wu Zhu Yu can increase temperatures of the surface,                flow to the core area would mean  vomiting, coldness of hands
          extremities, digestive and urogenital systems, thus promoting overall           less blood flow to the surface area,  and feet, cold pain in the lower
          warmth of the body.                                                             with peripheral vasoconstriction  abdomen, and such.

           ↓     ↓       ↓      ↓       ↓

          Treats cold     Improves        Improves                        Improves
          pain of the     blood circu-    cardiovas-      Improves        blood circu-
          lower abdo-     lation in the   cular cir-      blood circu-    lation in the                한의타임즈 제작진
          men             extremities     culation in     lation in the   GI tract and
                          and increas-    the thoracic    scalp and       increas-           -총괄 및 한국어판 편집장: 진희정
                          es body         cavity          increas-        es body            -영어판 편집장: 조남욱
                          warmth                          es body         warmth             -디자이너: 미셸장
                                                                                             -OC배포: 박형호
                                                                                             -한국어 연재: 강주봉 원장, 홍순호 교수,
           ↓     ↓       ↓      ↓       ↓                                                     김용훈 원장, 홍대선 원장, 조현창 원장
                                                                                             -영어 연재: 강주봉 원장, 오세준 원장,
                                                                                              이우경 원장, 사이먼 김 교수, 데이비드 리 원장
          Treats        Treats cold       Treats chest    Treats head-    Treats head-
          urogenital    intolerance       discomfort      aches and       aches and                  Acupuncture Times
          and abdom-    and coldness      such as         migraines       menstrual
          inal pain,    of hands and      chest full-                     cramps that       -General & Korean Edition, Editor in Chief:
          diarrhea,     feet              ness                            accompany           Heejeong Jin
          lumbago,                                                        nausea and        -English Edition, Editor in Chief: Namwook Cho
          leucorrhea,                                                     vomiting.
          and infertil-                                                                     -Design: Michelle Chang
          ity that are                                                                      -O.C. Publisher: Hyungho Park
          triggered                                                                         -Column(Korean): Soon Ho Hong, Daesun Hong,
          and aggra-
          vated by                                                                          Jubong Kang, Yong Hoon Kim, Hyun Chang Cho
          cold stim-                                                                        -Column(English):  Jubong Kang,
          ulus                                                                               Brandon SJ Oh, Winston Lee, Simon Kim, David Lee
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