Page 8 - Acupuncture Times Nov. 2020
P. 8
8 Traditional Korean Medicine Nov 1, 2020 Vol. 20 Hani Times
『『Dongui Bogam-Internal Bodily Elements(동의보감-내경편』Ⅰ. Body(신형 身形)
Contraindications in Nurturing Nature 養性禁忌 양성의 금기
much work scatters essence and Life (養生書): "To benefit one's ⑥ It is said in the Song for
lessens brightness." own body, one must sleep late Guarding Life (衛生歌): "The
and wake up early in spring; reason it is most difficult in
④ It is said in the Baopuzi (抱朴 sleep late at night and wake up summer to take care of one's
子): "A person who takes good early in summer and autumn; health is because yin hides
care of one's own health always sleep early and wake up late in inside the body and makes it
thinks less, does not dwell on one winter. Nevertheless, one must not cold. Medicine toxifying the
thought, let’s go of desires and wake up before the first crow of kidneys is necessary; also, one
worries, lessens one's work, talk, the rooster in the morning, and must never eat cold food. If the
laughter, joy, happiness, anger, and not wake up after the sun rises." heart is strong and kidneys are
only likes and hates little. The secret weak, what must be avoided?
of nurturing nature is based on ② It also said: "As a wise person, The most crucial thing to avoid
these twelve. Too much thinking the proper way is to let one's head is the leakage of essence qi.
harms the mind, and dwelling on be cold in winter and head and Keep the bedside quiet and
one thought scatters one's will. legs be cold in spring and autumn." clean, keep the mind calm,
Too much desire darkens the and keep the heart qi even. Ice
△ 『Dongui Bogam』 English version.
will, and too much work exhausts ③ It is good to cleanse the body water, vegetables, and fruits
② It is also said: "Happiness and the body. Too much talk wastes at the end of the month and wash are not good for the body- it
Written By Jun Heo(許浚,
anger harm will, sadness harms qi, and too much laughter harms the hair at the start of the month. will cause diarrhea in autumn."
1539~1615), Translated by
nature, splendor harms virtue, and the five viscera. Too many worries One should not take a bath when
Namil Kim, Wung Seok Cha
intercourse dries out the essence. shake the heart, and too much joy too hungry or too full." ⑦ Quxian said: "Summer is
et al., Published by Ministry
These are the things one must leads to overflowing thoughts. the time when the essence and
of Health & Welfare (Korea)
keep in mind while learning Tao." Too much happiness makes one ④ When lying down, one must spirit of the human become
jumbled and in disarray, and too face east in spring and summer weak. In this season, the
① It is said in the Book of ③ It is said in the Teachings of much anger irritates all the vessels and west in autumn and winter. heart gets strong and kidneys
Nurturing the Spirit (養性書): the Perfected (眞誥): "Eyes are the in the body. One is unable to The head must not be facing north. get weak; the essence of the
"Anyone who is trying to care mirrors of the body, and ears are distinguish logic due to delusions kidneys melts into Water. This
for one's health must not violate the windows of the body. The more when one likes so many things; ⑤ One must avoid all kinds of eventually condenses in autumn
the prohibition of the day and you look, the less clear the mirrors one becomes pale and unhappy strong wind, heavy rain, thick and solidifies in winter, so it
month and live according to the become; the more you hear, 36 when one hates so many things. fog, extreme heat or cold, and must be under care especially
seasons. The prohibition of the DONGUIBOGAM PartⅠ_Internal The nutrient qi and defense qi will deep snow. Darkness after a during summer. Therefore,
day is not overeating at dinner, Bodily Elements the easier the get lost and blood-qi will flow as sudden whirlwind, downpour, everyone, regardless of age,
the prohibition of the month is windows get blocked. The face it pleases if one does not get rid thunder or lightning is must eat warm and hot food
not getting drunk on the last day is the garden of the mind, and of these twelve; eventually the because all kinds of dragons in summer. If not, it will lead
of the month, and the prohibition hair is the flower of the brain; the core of life will get lost." and spirits pass by. One must to vomiting and diarrhea due
of the year is not travelling face gets pale when the mind is go inside the room, lock the to intestinal convulsion in
too far in winter, and the prohibition gloomy, and the hair greys when Living in Accordance with the door, and calmly sit with the autumn. A person who has a
of the whole life is not having the brain shrinks. Essence is the Four Seasons 四時節宣 계절에 incense burning to avoid such warm abdomen does not have
intercourse at night with the spirit of the human, and brightness 맞춰 사는 법 incidents; if not, the person any diseases, naturally, and has
lights on." is the treasure of the body. Too ①It is said in the Book on Nourishing would get hurt. strong blood-qi."
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