Page 8 - Acupuncture Times Jan 2020
P. 8
8 Acupuncture January 1, 2020 Vol. 10 Hani Times
Underlying Theories of Acupuncture Treatment Ⅸ Introduction of Qi Regulating Parts ⑤ 혈부론2
Harmonizing, Stimulating Acupuncture Points
Theories Regarding Indications of Acupuncture Points
▲Stimulating Acu- are located on the wrists a particular disease.
puncture points 추동혈부 and knees joint and a broad For example, as you use
(推動穴部) sense it could be understood master Tong’s acupuncture
It is common that an any acupuncture points on technique in order to
athlete is preparing and the hands and feets. reduce pain on the shoulder
warming up for a big game pain, acupuncture points
by rotating and loosing Ⅱ. Theory of Acupuncture located on the knees. Also,
muscle on the wrists and Point Location혈부론 acupuncture points that
ankles. I believe that the A f un ct io n of an treats knee pain are located
movement is quite good acupuncture point is not on the shoulders.
idea. Based on acupuncture limited only for kinetic The technique is more
theory, rotating and loosing aspect. Let’s study more sophisticated technique that
△ It is not practical memorizing every acupuncture point’s muscle on the wrists and functions of acupuncture uses same appearance has
indications for every symptoms you encounter. photoⓒ
envato-Wavebreakmedia. ankles before a big game points. same energy for treating
makes sense. Joints on the pain. Again, energy on
and stabilizing Qi movement wrists and knees control ▲Relationship with an shoulder especially on
By Brandon SJ Oh, L.Ac. smoothly. On the elbows sensitive movements and Appearance and Its deltoid muscle area and
and knees joins, there are also perform explosive Energy동형동기(同形同氣) knees look similar and
He points which are one of and powerful movements. Acupuncture theories has energy on those parts are
▲Har monizing Acu- five Shu points. He points Acupuncture points on the developed by accumulation same and it is applicable for
puncture Points조화혈부 are indicated for perverse wrists and knees stimuli Qi of knowledge of meta- curing any abnormality on
(調和穴部) Qi flow such as diarrhea or and enhance Qi circulation physical and abstract affected area.
All joints have its own coughing. Diarrhea could by pushing and pulling Qi concept and its clinical
roles. Human body is not be seen due to perverse Qi movements. application. ▲Relationship with
fell under movements and it but it could be seen due Due to its locations and In general, a cinnamon Characteristic and Its
is one of the important roles to scattered Qi. Therefore, functions of the Stimulating tree considered as warm Energy 동질동기(同質同氣)
of elbow and knee joints. Shu points like St 36 and Li acupuncture points, there characteristics. But bran- It is not practical for
In order to dance, play 11 which are on Yangming are powerful enough ches of the cinnamon tree memorizing every
table tennis, or to walk on meridian are widely used acupuncture points to are used for warming hands acupuncture point’s
tight wire, coordination for balancing Qi. Yangming control whole body. Hans and feet and the truck indications and it make
of all joint’s movement is meridian considered as a acupuncture technique is used for warming the harder to take care
required. But movements meridian which has lots of and reflexology points are stomach. unfamiliar symptoms for
which need delicate and blood and Qi. located on the Stimulating Acupuncture theories acupuncturists.
fast actions are depend on For severe Qi deficiency and acupuncture points. And 5 are closely related to However, if you understand
roles of elbow and knee mixed status with fullness Shu points except He points appearance of objects. my theories regarding
joints. The elbow and knee and emptiness, inserting St are on the Stimulating Therefore, to understand acupuncture points selection
joints are mainly used for 36 and Li 11 are preventing acupuncture points. 80% of indications or functions of it would make you feel
balancing posture and from paint due to strong acupuncture points that are acupuncture points, you more comfortable and more
preventing collapse of the preferential movement of used for Sa-am acupuncture must look closely where practical.
body with movements of Qi and enhancing balance and many acupuncture the acupuncture points are It means that same charac-
center of gravity. of Qi distribution after points of Master Tong’s located. Not to be mention teristic such as skin, tendon,
Therefore, if we use the acupuncture needling. So, are also on the Stimulating that similar shapes have regiment, and born have
characteristics of the acupuncture points located acupuncture points. similar energy. similar energy regardless
elbows and knees joints, on elbows and knees joints The Stimulating acupuncture In this method, points that locations. For instance, BL
symptoms caused by Qi are called as Harmonizing points could be understood correspond on the same 60 is used for reducing
disruption would be treated acupuncture points. as acupuncture points that plane can be chosen to treat t h e u p p e r b a c k p a i n .
Because BL 60 is guiding
Harmonizing Acupuncture Points on Each Meridian Stimulating Acupuncture points on Each Meridian
down Qi on upper body
to down to make balance
Lungs Lu 5 Lungs Lu 9
and enhance whole
Large Intestine Li 11 Large Intestine Li 5 body circulation for
reducing pain on upper
Stomach St 36 Stomach Sp 5
body. If you apply same
Spleen Sp 9 Spleen Ht 7 characteristic has same
Heart Ht 3 Heart Si 5 energy, it would be
explained. BL 60 is on
Small Intestine Si 8 Small Intestine Bl 60
calcaneal tendon. If the
Urinary Bladder Bl 40 Urinary Bladder K 3 B L 6 0 w a s s t i m u l a t e d
Kidneys K 10 Kidneys Pc 7 similar shaped neck and
also tendon on back
Pericardia Pc 3 Pericardia Te 4
of the neck and upper
Triple Burner Te 10 Triple Burner Te 10 back tendons would
Gall Bladder Gb 34 Gall Bladder Gb 40 be stimulated and Qi
movement on the upper
Liver Lv 8 Liver Lv 4
back would be increased.