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2 2      Traditional Korean Medicine                                                                January 1, 2020  Vol. 10  Hani Times

      『Dongui Bogam-Internal Bodily Elements(동의보감-내경편』 Ⅰ. Body(신형 身形)

                     In Antiquity, There Were True Men, Ultimate Men, Holy Men, and Wise Men

                                古有眞人至人聖人賢人 옛날에는 진인 지인 성인 현인이 있었다

                                                              the Tao was alive among  Next there is a holy man.  with a happy mind. With
                                                              people. A true man from  He harmonized with the  this effort, the body did
                                                              the middle ages enriched  universe in living, followed  not exhaust, and the spirit
                                                              his virtue, perfected the  the so-called eight winds,  did not scatter; and the
                                                              Tao, and lived according  which refers to the changes  person could live 100 years.
                                                              to yin-yang and the four  of the universe, controlled  Lastly, there is a wise man.
                                                              seasons. He left the mundane  his desires and emotions,  He followed the way of
                                                              world and gathered the  even though he lived in the  the universe, followed the
                                                              essence, and perfected  mundane world. His actions  sun and moon, defined the
                                                              his spirit; he was able to  were neither ignorant of  stars, and lived according
                                                              live freely in the world  the mundane, nor imbued  to yin-yang and the four
                                                              and see and listen across  with the mundane. On the  seasons. He tried to live
                                                              long distances. As a result,  outside, he did not overwork,   according to the law of the
                                                              his life was increased and  and in the inside, he had  ancient times, and therefore
                                                              strengthened. Such a person  no worries or anxiety. He  lived long; however, the
                                                              is also called a true man.  tried to live satisfactorily,  life was limited."

                                                                      13. Discussion on the Natural Truth in Antiquity
                                                                                 論上古天眞 상고천진을 논한다

                                                              When holy men in the ancient  and constantly move the body  lives. These people's eyes
                                                              times taught the public, they  and tire oneself out so as not  do not become tired with
         △ English Edition, 『Dongui Bogam-Internal Bodily Elements』.  said: "One should timely  to become lazy. As a result, qi  desires and their minds do
                                                              avoid attacks of pathogenic  will circulate smoothly and  not become seduced by the
                                   in ancient times had all  wind to the deficient body  the body will satisfy its needs.  obscene. No matter whether
        Written By Jun Heo(許浚,
                                   the world in his hands,  and empty the mind, and  The result would be eating  they are foolish or smart, wise
        1539~1615), Translated by
                                   saw through yin-yang,  then genuine qi would gather  food deliciously, wearing  or silly, they live accordingly
        Namil Kim, Wung Seok Cha
                                   breathed essence-qi, stood  and essence-spirit would  clothes properly, enjoying  without being stuck on the
        et al., Published by Ministry
                                   by himself and protected  remain intact. When this is  the world, and not envying  circumstances around them.
        of Health & Welfare (Korea)
                                   his spirit, and his flesh  accomplished, how could  each other regardless of his or  The reason for their activeness
                                   remained intact. Therefore,  disease enter the body?" Let  her position or rank. People   even at the age of 100 is
        Huangdi said, "From what   the lifespan was infinite  one's thoughts sink deeply,  who live such lives could be  because they have kept their
        I've heard, a true man     as the universe, because  reduce desires and calm down,  claimed to be living simple  virtues intact.

              ‘강주봉 원장의 한약 처방 시리즈’                                                동부 메릴랜드 유일
                                                                                 동부 메릴랜드 유일
                원거리 보수교육                                                         ‘자연 제환소’
                                                                                 ‘자연 제환소’

                             한의 타임즈 홈페이지                                                                                   오픈
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                                                                                정성껏 제환하는 자연 제환소가 오픈했습니다. 깐깐한 제환 과정으로 정확하게
                           강주봉 원장 프로필: 1952년 대구 출생 1968년 무위당 이원세옹께              약을 준비해 드리고 신속하게 배송해 드립니다. 자연제환소의 모든 수익은
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                           969년 이팔수옹에게 사암침법 사사. 서울대 천문학과 입학 및 졸업,
                           대구 한의대 입학 및 졸업, 우석대 한의대 외래교수 역임,
                           현 서울 방배동 샬롬 한의원 원장.                                       ◆환약 주문 생산                      ◆ 탕제 서비스
                           1998년부터 17년간 한국 전역의 한의사들에게 상한로과
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