Page 14 - Acupuncture Times Jan 2020
P. 14

14       광고                                                                                         January 1, 2020  Vol. 10  Hani Times

        Acupuncture Theory and Holon Theory, The West Meets the East?

                                                              Whaumilseungbupkyedo(화      abnormally by looking at the  philosophy in acupuncture and
                                                              엄일승법계도), “a whole is in  patient’s facial color. Also,  holon theory it is not hard to
                                                              one and there is one in ones.  pulse diagnosis represents the  understand that acupuncture
                                                              Therefore, one is the whole and  patient’s body condition. This  theory shares same idea with
                                                              ones are only one.”         is examples of a part, such  Holon and new science.
                                                                                          as facial color or pulse, could  I founded South Baylo University
                                                              In acupuncture theory, human  shows whole body.        and I will train as much
                                                              body represents whole universe  Philosophy for prescribing an  acupuncturists as I can. I would
                                                              and human body is considered  herbal formula shares the idea of  like to see more acupuncturists
                                                              to micro-cosmos. There is  Holon. The sum of each herb in  who spread philosophy of
                                                              common principle for building  the formula never is working as  acupuncture theory and healing
                                                              a human body and creation of  intension of the formula. Herbs  power to more American people.
                                                              universe. And all information  in the formula are chemically  Acupuncture treatment is
                                                              of universe was embedded on  combined and created new  focused on enhancing self-
                                                              human body. So, all human  chemical characteristics.   healing power and immune
                                                              beings tend to try to be unified  Also, as an acupuncturist treats  system to fight back to
                                                              to the universe by complying  symptoms, the acupuncturist  pathogens. And I believe
                                                              common principle.           tries to find out root cause for  acupuncture treatment is the
                                                              An acupuncturist can diagnose  the symptom.            best way to substitute opioid
                                                              which part of body is working  After reviewing similarities in  medicines.

         △ A Korean Monk priest Euisang (625~702) who explained        Materialism vs. Pan-experientialism:
         basic concept of Holon theory 1,500 years earlier than Arthur
         Koestler. Arthur Koestler used the phrase to holon in his   Newton discarded and Whitehead revived
         book ‘The Ghost in the Machine’ in 1967.
                                                                                 the life-laden worldview
                                   a part, it is required to learn
                                   dynamics of the whole. In new
                                   science explains that the sum                           the  organic  life-laden  of experience is combining
                                                                  By Simon Kim, Professor,   worldview. So, he asked;   the continuity of subjective
                                   of each part is not the whole.
                                                                  South Baylo University   how do we add content to   and the continuity of nature
                                   And even a small part represents
                                                                                           the notion of bare (material)   in the direction of self-
                                   the whole.                                              activity? As I contrasted two   enjoyment.
                                                                 Organic qi worldview regarded   images of nature before, the   Thus, the characteristics
                                   Holons are the individual     the Life Jingqi as final unity   quantitative and qualitative   of life are absolute self-

        By David Park, Founder of   building block of Ken Wilber’s   and absolute reality in the   image, Whitehead suggested   enjoyment, creative activity,
                                                                 Heaven and Earth. Life is a
        South Baylo University     model. Wilber borrowed        common sense experience for   also the modes of qualitative   aim. The reason why amoeba
                                                                                           texture. The unity of emotion
                                                                                                                    is regarded as life is because
                                   the concept of holons from
                                                                 humans. It is the premise of   or feeling is a patterned   it has three elements of life.
                                   Arthur Koestler’s description   the philosophy of I-ching and   texture of qualities for fusing   Science can find no individual
        I have tried to connect  of the great chain of being, a   the philosophy of organism.   life with nature. This feeling   enjoyment in nature: Science
        acupuncture theory with  mediaval description of levels   Therefore, Gyesajeon of   is expressed as Gameung (  can find no aim in nature:
        conventional and new science.  of being. He understood holon   I-ching said: begetting life   感應) in the Qi philosophy.   Science can find no creativity
        For this month, I will explain  as every entity and concept is   is called the principle of I   Like the existence of matter,   in nature; it finds mere rules
                                                                 (生生之謂易).                  life should be viewed as an   of (material) succession.
        acupuncture theory and show  both an entity on its own, and
                                                                 Now I can summarize the   ultimate unit. According   Whitehead has consistently
        correlation between acupuncture  a hierarchical part of a lager
                                                                 characteristic of worldview   to the definition of ‘life’   insisted on these claims from
        theory and Holon theory.   whole. For example, a letter   shared by the Qi philosophy   in <Modes of Thought>   his early writing; Sciences
        A Holon means simultaneously  is a self-existing entity and   and  the  philosophy  of   written by Whitehead, the   and the modern world. He
        a whole and a part. The term  simultaneously an integral part   organism.  These  two   composition of qualitative   contended that the blindness
        was used by Arthur Koestler  of a word, which then is part   philosophies are in line with   life in nature has three   of physical science only
                                                                 the realistic metaphysics   essential factors.     deals with half of evidence
        in his book The Ghost in the  of a sentence, which is part of
                                                                 of philosophical history.   1) Life implies the absolute,   provided by human experience.
        Machin and the phrase to Holon  a paragraph, which is part of
                                                                 I  would  call  them  the   individual self-enjoyment   So, he concluded that we
        is a Greek word preceding the  a page, and so on. Everything   natural philosophy of Jingqi   arising out of the (physical)   should  conceive  mental
        Latin analogue universum, in  from quarks to matter to energy   worldview. Followings are   process of appropriation.   (life) operations as among
        the sense of totality, a whole. A  to ideas can be looked at in   three premises of the natural   Life is enjoyment of emotion   the factors which make up
        fractal theory is close to the Holon  the way. Holon is like Russian   philosophy of Qi realism.  derived from the past, aimed   the constitution of nature.
        as it is a part that represents a  dolls, where a whole is a part   1. Nature consists not only   at the future.   It is no exaggeration to say
                                                                 of the material world, but   2) Life involves a creative   that the beginning of my
        whole at the same time.    of another whole, in turn part
                                                                 of Qi organism.           activity belonging to the very   articles began with this one
                                   of another whole, etc.
                                                                 2. All life activities in heaven   essence of each occasion.   passage; Jingqi becomes
        If you apply the idea of Holon  Holon theory is not only applied   and earth are made possible   The process of self-creation   individual things in nature
        to conventional science, the  to material word also applied to   by the Jingqi.    is the transformation of   (精氣爲物). Comparing with
        most complicated system could  mental world too. Wilber was   3. The presence of mind   the  potential  into  the  physical things in nature
        be understood by analysis  one who tried to apply holon   and spirit is the emergent   actual, and the fact of such   formed by the 92 elements
                                                                 phenomena of the life-laden   transformation includes the   and 4 energies, the individual
        of each component. In other  to mental world.
                                                                 Jingqi world.             immediacy of self-enjoyment.   things made up of Jingqi,
        words, the whole is sum of   Interesting thing is there was
                                                                 In order to overcome the   3) Individual unit of life   working upon the principle
        each component. Contrarily,  a Buddhist monk, Euisang    limitation of Mechanistic   aims the selected way of   of Yin Yang Wuxing have
        new science understands things  who described holon theory   Material Metaphysics (MMM),   entertaining in the process   the tone of life same as in
        in different point of view. To  in 1,500 years earlier. He wrote   Whitehead had to build   of unification. Each occasion   the philosophy of organism.
        understand characteristics of  a phrase on his book called
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