Page 8 - Acupuncture Times December 2019
P. 8
8 Acupuncture December 1, 2019 Vol. 9 Hani Times
Underlying Theories of Acupuncture Treatment Ⅷ
Acupuncture Points on the Joints Take Control Joints Movement
Prediction of Acupuncture Points' Indications on Joints is Possible by Observing the Joints Movements
could be changed based on pillars of the body and even curing symptoms regarding
joints movement, needling on one pillar has a problem, that limited range of motion
acupuncture points on the joint would make 3 other pillars’ such as paralysis on limbs,
area is able to differ centers range of motion. deformation of vertebrae, weak
of all internal organs. Because, Therefore, the trunk is or lost control of the legs, and
the acupuncture points on considered as a power plant aftereffects of stroke.
the joint deal with relatively to generate energy or Qi and 4
△ L eonar do large amount of Qi comparing big joints take role of first and <Qi Regulating Parts for
D aV inci’ s to other acupuncture points biggest gate that emit energy Open-Close on each meridian>
Pr opor tions
of Human which are not located on the from the trunk. Because of Each meridian has its
Figure Picture joints. It is also possible to characteristic of 4 big joints own acupuncture point
euthymia change pivot of the meridian and the acupuncture points on that directly control Qi
by locations of triple burners or the joints have indications for amount.
usually does? by shu/mu points.
By Brandon SJ Oh, L.Ac.
In order to perform an accurate Lung Lu 2
Taekwondo kick with weight ▲ Qi Regulating Parts for
on it in order to increase Open-Close 개폐혈부(開閉穴 Large Intestine Li 15
All meridians that pass on the power, it is required controlled 部) Stomach St 30
joints of the four limbs have movements of coxae or hip In practicing acupuncture, Spleen Sp 12, 13
acupuncture points and the joints. indication for acupuncture
acupuncture points located By observing movements of points on the shoulder and Heart Ht 1
on the joints helps movement each joint, it makes possible hip joints are frozen shoulder Small Intestine Si 10
of the joints. And range of to guess each functions or or sciatica like symptoms. The
motions of each meridian has indications of the acupuncture large joins such as the shoulder Urinary Bladder UB 36
clues functions or indications of points on the 4 limbs. and hip joints are connecting Kidneys K 11
an acupuncture point depend The acupuncture points limbs and the trunk and Qi Pericardia Pc 2
on certain location. located on the shoulder joints circulate from the trunk to
You should understand that all and coxae control amount limbs or from the limbs to Triple Burner TB 14
acupuncture point locations on of Qi leakage from the trunk the trunk like gates stand in Gall Bladder GB 30
meridians have reasons to be like slice gate of a dam which between the limbs and the Liver Lv 12
there and designed to control is managing optimal amount trunk. The 4 big joins work as
Qi movement for its designed water storage. Another function
range of motion of limbs. of shoulder joints and coxae
Acupuncture points located are leading movements and
on the face and head have balancing posture while on
relationships with the 8 movement. The wrist joints and
extraordinary vessels and have ankle joints are releasing large
roles to control the 12 primary amount of muscular power in a
channels. Acupuncture points process of movement. In order
on the trunk engage in direct to gain or perform powerful
communication to organs. punches or kicks, it is required
Acupuncture points on the to add roles of the wrist and
limbs which involve movement ankle joints, respectively.
of the body parts, are required Now, it is possible to assume
to ability for controlling amount acupuncture points that are
and speed of Qi circulations located on the wrist and ankle
in order to perform proper joints. The role of the wrist
movements. and ankle joints is releasing
There is a reason for existence large amount of kinetic energy
of acupuncture points on joints in short period time. Similar
of 4 limbs. The acupuncture to the role of the wrist and
points on the joints are to ankle joints, the acupuncture
control movement. And because points on the wrist and ankle
of the reason, acupuncture joints take part of pushing and
points on the joints have more pulling Qi through the meridian
indications than acupuncture where the acupuncture points
points which are not on the are belonged.
joints. All movement of joints act
toward to the center of the
▲ Pivots of Meridians 경락 body mass or weight and
의 구심점 various movements of the
It is doubtful that if Mike joints could change the
Tyson has a cast on one of center of the body mass in
his elbow joints would he motion. Base on the fact that
still punch hard enough as he the center of the body mass