Page 12 - Acupuncture Times August 2019
P. 12

12      Opinion                                                                                       August 1, 2019  Vol. 5  Hani Times

        More Acupuncture Treatment for More Americans

                                                              herbal medicine.            even a minute to reduce pain  pharmaceutical researches will
                                                              In America, still acupuncture  with acupuncture, but herbal  be required for herbal medicine
                                                              considered more importantly  medicine does not work as  even it takes time and money.
                                                              than herbal medicine because  fast as acupuncture. And to be
                                                              number of American people  recognized herbal medicine as  As an educator who dedicated
                                                              understand more of benefits  medicine in America, it requires  40 years in education in
                                                              of acupuncture.             scientific proofs to show its  America, I would like to see
                                                              In order to spread acupuncture  effectiveness and safety. The  more Americans get benefits
                                                              in America acupuncture should  process takes time and capital  from acupuncture and herbal
                                                              be focused than herbal medicine.  and there are countless number  medicine. Acupuncture has lots
                                                              Because acupuncture works faster  of herbs and herbal formulas to  of benefits than conventional
                                                              than herbal medicine. It takes  be researched. Someday, more  medicine.

        △ In Korea, acupuncture treatment has been widely accepted
        by people because it is simple and affordable, and the treat-
        ment does not have side-effects. photoⓒenvato-Wavebreak-
        media                                                     II Wuxing: Organic interrelations of

                                   human being is affected by 6                          Wuxing (五行)
                                   pathogens: wind, cold, heat,
                                   humid, dryness, and fire and
                                   that is not avoidable.                                  myriad things. Life is a very   addition to four physical strengths
                                   Another thing that make        By Simon Kim, Professor,   harmony of Wuxing, so it shows   - weak, strong, electromagnetic
                                   acupuncture different from     South Baylo University   the golden split composition;   power, and gravity - certain
                                   western medicine is acupuncture                         1: 1.615.                vitality exists in the nature
                                   needle. Moxabustion and cupping                         Living world is composed of   of universe. This is the very
        By David Park, Founder of   are also part of acupuncture   The theory of Wuxing is a   Jingqi (精氣), not of matter   reason why the begetting of
                                                                                           seen in the Periodic Table of
                                                                                                                    life (生生) is so emphasized in
                                                                 logical system that determines
        South Baylo University     but only acupuncture needle   the proper identity of Eastern   the Elements. The theory of   the I-Ching. The link between
                                   and its technique are the most   Organic Medicine. It is the   Wuxing explains living nature   Yinyang and Wuxing theory
                                   distinct. Acupuncture technique   calculation method for living   as a special relationship.  ultimately depends on the
        I have heard lots of questions  is somewhat like injection   world like the arithmetic   Actually, our human body is   concept of Jingqi life. The vitality
        regarding definition of  in western medicine, but        operation to estimate the   a precision instrument whose   of Jingqi needs to be added to
        acupuncture since South Baylo  acupuncture treats symptoms   quantity of matter. Yin and   mysteries of organic perfection   all the fundamental energy to
                                                                 yang work by a binary logic   brought by this Wuxing. It   secure life in nature. The life
        University (SBU) started to teach  by stimulation of certain
                                                                 like computer operation, and   means that the order of nature   world beyond the material
        students in 1977. It seemed that  acupuncture points instead
                                                                 Wuxing works by a penta   can be grasped as the pattern   world can only be grasped by
        Korea is not the only country  of putting any medicine in   (five) logic. It is an organic   of Wuxing.     the organic process of Wuxing.
        applying acupuncture theories  human body.               interrelation of five different qi   The theory of Wuxing is based   Despite of his lifelong study of the
        for treatment. Second question  I think there will be more works   energies. Like dynamic physics,   on the qi world view. Then,   history of Chinese life sciences,
        is what makes different Korean  required to prove benefits   Wuxing acts on the principle   what is qi world? By recognizing   Paul Unschuld interpreted
        acupuncture from either Chinese  from acupuncture treatment   of action and reaction towards   different objects given the same   the theory of Wuxing as the
                                                                 two opposite directions; mutual   as nature, the world view of   systemized magic powers. Even
        or Japanese acupuncture.   scientifically. Still, acupuncture
                                                                 generation (相生), and mutual   the quality image (氣質像) and   in China, the so- called homeland
        It is true that acupuncture is  has not widely accepted in   controlling (相剋).     of the quantity image (物量像)   of Eastern medicine, the theory
        traditional treatment theory  medical field because there                                                   of the Wuxing once has been
        that has been used in Korea,  is not enough number of                                                       burned. After the modernization
        Japan, and China. But each  researches to prove benefits   #figure                                          of China, they had to disgrace
        county defines acupuncture  from acupuncture.                                                               the Wuxing superstition for a
                                                                                                                    long time. This is the reason that
        in different way, for example  Maybe, acupuncture technique is
                                                                                                                    the traditional Chinese medicine
        Chinese medicine(中醫學) in  not that complicated technique.                                                   has declined and most of them
        China, Korean medicine(韓醫  I have seen many students                                                        are integrated into Western
        學) in Korea and Acupuncture  perform acupuncture even                        mutual                         medicine in China.
        technique(漢方) in Japan. During  second year of acupuncture                   control                        As far as concerned with
        Japanese occupation (1910 ~  school and even after few                                                      the philosophical basis of
                                                                                                                    Eastern medicine, the theory of
        1945), the term Acupuncture  hours of lecture, a western                                       mutual
        technique was also used in  doctor could treat patients with                                   generation   Wuxing is like the arithmetic
                                                                                                                    operation (addition, subtraction,
        Korea. But after 1945, Korea  acupuncture needle. Even couple                                               multiplication, division) of life
        decided to call acupuncture  decades ago, each community                                                    laden Eastern Organic Medicine.
        as Korean medicine.        had an acupuncturist in Korea.                                                   Wuxing contains a reciprocity
        Acupuncture and western  Traditional Korean hair pin was                                                    principle of creative production,
        medicine have different point of  made to have sharp tip and the                                            productive control. Wuxing, as
                                                                 This figure shows a pattern   comes out. If the taxonomy of   a fractal pentagon, presents a
        view of a human. Acupuncture  tip could used to stimuli certain
                                                                 of repetition in which a star   the substantial matter (實體)   synoptic view of the possible
        understands a human as a  acupuncture points in order to
                                                                 appears in the golden division   revealed in the quantity image   links between the various strata
        whole and each functional parts  reduce symptoms like headache,   of the pentagon, and a pentagon   is elemental, molecular, then   of nature. We can experience
        and organs have relationships  acute indigestion, and neck   is drawn in the star. This pattern   the taxonomy of the Jingqi   the reality of nature by Yinyang,
        and they affect each other.  and shoulder pain, and so on.   is repeated infinitely with a kind   revealed in the quality image   two poles of basic substance,
        Acupuncture theory also sees  Acupuncture has been accepted   of fractal structure. Compared   should naturally start from life   and Wuxing, five energies
        a human body represents a  as an affordable medicine in   to organic relation of Yin Yang   and spirit.     represented by wood, fire, earth,
                                                                 synthesis, Wuxing pattern is   In order to understand Jingqi   metal, and water energy with
        universe. Therefore, traditional  Korea specially people could
                                                                 organic interrelations among   world, we need to admit that,   life force.
        Chinese Medicine understands  not afford expansive herbs for
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