DONGUIBOGAM; Internal Bodily Elements 22. Gallbladder 膽腑 담

△ Donguibogam(東醫寶鑑)

Written By Jun Heo(許浚, 1539~1615), Translated by Namil Kim, Wung Seok Cha et al., Published by Ministry of Health & Welfare (Korea)

01 The Shape of the Gallbladder 膽形象 담의 형상

① The color is black. The shape resembles a gourd attached to its stem. The gallbladder is attached between the small lobes of the liver. The weight of the gallbladder is 2 nyang (or 3 nyang) 3 su. It contains 3 hop of essence juice. There is no hole to enter or exit.

② Surplus qi from the liver flows to the gallbladder and forms the essence. This way, from the inside, it stores essence and does not release essence. From the outside, it sees objects and gains light. Therefore, it is called the organ of clearness and calmness. It corresponds to the eyes.

02 Areas of the Gallbladder 膽部位 담의 부위

① The gallbladder governs the axilla. ST12 and both axilla are all pathways for the gallbladder.

② GB24 is the alarm point of the gallbladder. It is located at the end of the third rib, under the nipples, 5 pun below LR14.
The transport points of the gallbladder are located below the 10th vertebra. These are the areas of the gallbladder.

03 The Gallbladder Governs Decisions 膽主決斷 담은 결단을 주관한다

The gallbladder is formed from Metal, which governs weaponry. Therefore, it is the mediator organ and governs decisions. A strong, decisive, and upright character is the result of proper gallbladder qi. The person with this character is not doubtful and does not make decisions by personal feelings.

04 External Signs of the Gallbladder 膽外候 담의 외후

① If the lower eyelids are big, then the gallbladder is horizontally long.

② The gallbladder corresponds to the fingernails and toenails. If the nails are thick and yellow, then the gallbladder is thick. If the fingernails and toenails are thin and red, then the gallbladder is thin. If the nails are hard and blue, then the gallbladder is hard. If the fingernails and toenails are weak and red, then the gallbladder is loose. If the nails are straight, white and patternless, then the gallbladder is straight. If the nails are rough, black, and has many patterns, then the gallbladder is bound.

05 Symptoms of Gallbladder Damage 膽傷證 담상증

① The gallbladder means to be courageous. If surprised or fearful, the gallbladder will be damaged.

② When the face is bluish and bloodless, then the gallbladder is feeling fear.

06 Symptoms of Gallbladder Disease 膽病證 담병증

① When the gallbladder is diseased, the person frequently sighs, vomits bitter juice, has a bitter mouth, suffers from palpitations as if chased by someone, and has blocked sensations within the throat and spits saliva frequently.

② When goiter or scrofula is formed due to the binding of blood, the left fifth rib is painful and uncomfortable. The condition of the gallbladder is manifested in the throat. Therefore, if heat is congested, the throat will be painful due to sores or swelling.

③ Alternating chills and fever is a common symptom of a gallbladder disease.

07 Deficiency and Excess of Gallbladder Disease 膽病虛實 담병의 허실

① When the gallbladder is deficient, the person cannot sleep alone due to fear. When it is excess, the person rages.

② When the gallbladder is excess, the person rages and is courageous. When the gallbladder is deficient, then the person often feels fear and is not courageous.

③ When the gallbladder is deficient, the person becomes sleepless and when the gallbladder is excessive, the person sleeps much.

08 Treatment Methods for Gallbladder Disease 膽病治法 담병 치료법

① When the gallbladder is deficient, use Biota Seed and Rehmannia Powder. When the gallbladder is in excess, use a Pinellia Decoction.

② Minor Bupleurum Decoction (he formula is described in the chapter on Cold) treats alternating fevers and chills. It is the main prescription for the lesser yang meridian. Boil and wait until it sinks. Take the floating part of it, and it will lead the herbs to the gallbladder.

  • Biota Seed and Rehmannia Powder 仁熟散 인숙산: It treats fearfulness, and the person who cannot sleep alone due to a deficient gallbladder. 1 don of Thujae Orientalis Semen (柏子仁) and Rehmanniae Radix Preparata (熟地黃), and 7.5 pun of Ginseng Radix (人蔘), Aruantii Fructus Immaturus (枳殼), Schisandrae Fructus (五味子), Cinnamomi Cortex (桂心), Corni Fructus (山茱萸), Chrysanthemi Flos (甘菊), Poria Sclerotium (茯神), and Lycii Fructus (枸杞子). Cut these herbs to make one package. Boil or grind these and mix 2 don with warm alcohol.
  • Pinellia Decoction 半夏湯 반하탕: It treats vexation and oppression due to excess heat of the gallbladder. Cut 5 don of Rehmanniae Radix Crudus (生地黃) and Zizyphi Semen (酸棗仁) (stir-fried), 3 don of Pinelliae Tuber (半夏) and Zingiberis Rhizoma Crudus (生薑), 2 don of Polygalae Radix (遠志) and Poria Sclerotium (赤茯苓), 1 don of Scutellariae Radix (黃芩), and 1 hop of Panicis Semen Glutinosa (黍米). Boil 1 nyang of these with Aqua ex Longo Curso (長流水) and let the precipitation sink. Take the upper water of this.

09 Signs of Exhaustion of Gallbladder Qi 膽絶候 담기가 끊어지려는 징후

① The gallbladder is the foot lesser yang meridian. When gallbladder qi is exhausted, the ears become deaf, all the joints become loose, the eyes open as if surprised, and the eye connecter is exhausted. When the eye connecter is exhausted, the person will die after one and a half days. The face of the person will first become blue before dying.

② When gallbladder qi is exhausted, the person will die in 7 days. How do we know? We know this by observing the eyebrows becoming slanted.

10 Guiding-pulling Exercises for the Gallbladder 膽腑導引法 담부의 도인법

Sit comfortably and put the two feet together and raise the head. Pull both ankles with both hands 3~5 times and shake. Extend the legs and sit. Push the ground with both hands and lift the body. Put pressure on the lower back area 3-5 times. This will remove wind poison and the pathogen in the person with gallbladder disease.

11 Simple Prescriptions 單方 단방

There are 5 kinds in total.

  • Bupleuri Radix 柴胡: It treats alternating chills and fever due to gallbladder disease. It is the main prescription for the gallbladder meridian. The gallbladder impediment cannot be treated without this. Cut and boil with water and let the precipitation sink. Take the upper part of this water.
  • Rehmanniae Radix Crudus 乾地黃: It helps the gallbladder and heart qi. Boil or make into pills.
  • Coptidis Rhizoma 黃連: It tonifies the gallbladder. Boil, make pills, or grind before taking.
  • Asiasari Radix et Rhizoma 細辛: It adds gallbladder qi. Boil with water and take.
  • Lilii Bulbus 白百合: It relaxes the gallbladder. Boil with water and take.